V10 - Chapter 116 The Kidnaped Princess


--- Italica Palace ---

December 15th, 2025

Lelei looks up at the redhead Medusa maid Aurea as she hands coffee to her. Sarah asked a few of the mains to go get coffee from the American diplomatic outpost that is inside the city.

She looks over and sees Rory grabbing a mug.

"Thank you," Rory said and then takes a drink. She looks like a mess, half drunk.

Rory and the other members of Vanguard-7 had to be dragged out if the Tavern. Not because they do not want to help but because many are drunk, especially Rory. It has only been a few days since the Battle at Legrath and this was supposed to be the time for them to relax.

"Are you ok Rory?" She asks.

Rory slowly looks over to her. "I just feel dizzy. Didn't know another mission was coming so soon."

"I didn't think anyone expected this," She said.

"No," Rory responds. "And I going to crush whoever did... this..." She slurs her words a little.

"Should you go lay down?" She asks.

Rory shakes her head as she holds onto the mug. "No, I am needed here. Just keep me in the loop."

She was about to say something but overhears the argument that is happening. She looks out and sees everyone standing there. Countess Myui and her maids are there with some of Pina Rose Knights. Of course, the Americans are here, Colonel Robert Yang, Ambassador Harland Willington and the leadership of Sharpe team, Charles Johnson, and Sarah Rose. And Sharpe is standing there, trying to keep his anger in check.

She looks over to her friend Sharpe and while he is still composed, she never has seen him like this angry before. She does wonder if her father looked like that when she and her sister ran away. But unlike him, she cares how Sharpe and everyone feeling. Selina is her friend, closer to a younger sister after all.

This is a meeting to figure out what happened and what to do next. She made sure she had her notebook to record everything she finds important.

"That doesn't make sense. No one died?" Yang asked again.

"As I explained, when we swept the hallways, we found the people who were attacked. Three guards and Head Maid Kaine were put asleep by Spirit Magic." Head Knight Brollen Taluos.

"This doesn't make sense," Willington states. "This has to be a ransom job."

"No," Mamina replies strongly. "This was to organize of an operation to be random. The girl was the target."

"The girl has a name," Sharpe said.

Mamina looks to him. "I mean no offense. My point is I saw them and fought them. This was a hit job and knew what they were doing. They are well trained and skilled. These are not common bandits or kidnappers. Selina was the target."

"But they didn't kill anyone," Taluos said. "Why would they do that?"

"I don't know," Mamina responds. "It looked like they were just trying to slip in and out."

"And, where were you? I thought you said you were going to protect her?" Sharpe asks.

Yang looks to him. "Stand down Major."

She sees Sarah walk to his side, standing straight.

"Let us be clear here. There was no way any of us could have known this was going to happen." Yang states, trying to tase the tension. "Besides looking for blame, let's focus on the matter at hand."

"I am sorry," Sharpe says to Mamina. "None of this makes any sense. She is just some child, why would someone break into a heavily armed palace just to take a child? It would make sense if it were the Countess, no offense mam."

"Do not worry Mamina, I understand," Myui said.

Pina raises her hand halfway. "It has to be Zorzal."

"That makes no sense. Why would it be him?" Sarah asks.

"Actually, it makes sense," Willington comments. "Major Sharpe, you did assault him and technically took Noriko from him(1). We also took Tyuule from him(2). You humiliated him in heir to the throne. This could be an act of revenge."

Pina looks to him, "I would agree with you Ambassador, but you are assuming that my brother knows about their relationship. Do not forget Princess Selina was promised to him before your people arrived in this world. I think it is more likely that he was just trying to get what he considers belongs to him. Hurting Sharpe is just a bonus. He really enjoys his slaves…"

So far Lelei has been taking note of the conversation but she looks up after hearing that. She can feel the air in the room freezes. Everyone from all sides stares directly at Pina, all shocked and confused. She is even shocked by what she just said.

Pina looks around, seeing everyone staring at her. "What…?"

"What did you say?" Sharpe demands.

"Did you just refer her as Princess? Like Royalty Princess like you?" Yang asked.

Pina looks around with a confused but nervous look on her face. "Yeah… didn't you all know? She is the daughter of King Juleas, of the Edras Kingdom." She pauses for a moment. "I hear you call her Princess all the time."

She takes a note on that. Selina has told them some things about her country, things that she can remember. That Juleas was the King of many Cults. That the Kingdom was always at war with its neighbors. But she never said she was royalty, never even gave a hint. She always seems to focus on trying to just like Sharpe and live life in Alnus.

"Oh lord…," Sarah said as she rubs her eyes, annoyed. "On our world, that is just a cute nickname we give our daughters. My dad called me and my sister princess all the time. He still doses."

Johnson shakes his head. "You know, daddies little Princess. That kind of stuff."

She looks at Sarah, knowing what she is thinking. She has found that these Americans like to give their children many different 'cute' nicknames. However, she never imagined a little cultural misunderstanding would cause so many issues.

"You have to be fucking kidding me," Sharpe states to Pina. "You knew about this? What else do you know?"

"I thought you knew. I didn't know that was a common nickname you give to girls," Pina said trying to defend herself. "I swear, if I knew the difference, I would have told you. And I didn't want to make a scene with her. I don't care that she a political enemy of the Empire."

"Well, this complicates everything," Willington said. "That means they are heading to Sadera."

"And we can't go there," Yang said.

Sharpe looks at Yang. "To hell we can't."

"Major. Stand down," Yang orders. "We have assists within Sadera. We will see what they can find first."

"By that point, god knows what will happen to her," Sharpe responds to Yang. "I…"

Grey walks up. "Mamina, you said they were elves."

"Yes," Mamina replies.

"Did they look like those elves from before?" Grey asks.

Mamina thinks about the question and then looks back at him. "Now that I think about it, yes. They look like those elves bandits."

"Thank you," Grey responds and looks at Sharpe. "I know who took her."

"Well, don't make it a State secret Grey," Sarah said with some fire in her voice.

"When you and Princess Pina left for Sadera for the peace process, Selina was attacked by these two Wood Elves(3). They tried to kidnap her then but Mamina and I stopped them." Grey explains. "Please forgive Princess Pina, she had no idea and I informed her not to bring up Selina's status for diplomatic reasons."

She writes all that down and then looks to Sharpe. She can see his reaction. His face is white, just staring at Grey. His eyes tell a story on all the different ways how he would kill Grey if he wanted to. From what she understands, Grey just told him that he knew that there are people after Selina and kept it a secret.

After a short pause, Sharpe punches Grey hard in the head. He then walks forward but is stopped by Johnson and Sarah. But Sharpe points at Grey. "We went into battle together and fought side by side. Every step of the way you knew my daughter was in danger and you didn't tell me!"

The colonel moved between them to separate them. He then looks to Grey. "Explain."

Pina runs over to Grey and helps him up. "He didn't mean…"

Grey taps Pina's shoulder to stop her. He then looks to Sharpe. "I met no disrespect, but it is not my place to say what Selina wishes hidden. She wished for her identity not to be public."

"She thirteen," Sharpe responds. "She is not old enough to make those decisions.

"And yet she's been through a lot already," Grey responds. "You give her to little credit because of her age. She made a choice to be American, not her people. I was honor-bound to fulfill her wish."

"And why was that?" Yang asked.

Grey looks to Yang and back to Sharpe. "I do not know if that is her true reason, but I do know was that she was afraid you wouldn't want her if you knew the truth. When you lost so much, you value the little you have with great importance. Something I believe you understand Major."

She writes that down, but it confuses her. She looks over to Rory as she takes a sip of her coffee. "Rory, I don't understand."

Rory closes her eyes and takes a light breath. "Mortals. Sometimes people lie to the ones they love so they look better, fearing that if they learn the truth they will be rejected."

That did not make sense to her. The truth would have been far better. She knows none of these people would look down at her if she was royalty or not. She looks back to the conversation.

"So, she told an Imperialists and not her father," Sharpe asks, struggling to accept what he is being told.

"Ok," Sarah said and gets in the middle of everyone. "None of this matters boy. All the matters are that she was taken and how are we getting her back."

"How?" Willington asks. "We know nothing about these people. We don't even know what Wood Elves are."

"The Ambassador is correct," Yang states. "It was better that Zorzal took her. At least we had a direction to act on."

Hearing them debate on what to do, she looks down at her notes and go over everything in her head. She then reaches down into her bag and pulls out the tablet that she got for Christmas. She accesses the military maps of the region, taken by NATO drones.

"What are you doing Lelei?" Rory asks, looking over.

"I am doing math," She replies as she looks at the map around Italica and looking back at her notes. "While I was a student under Master Cato El Altestan, he taught me about many of the races of this world. I know about the Wood Elves. They are not native to this region but from the far west. They must have traveled a long way to take her."

"I know," Rory said. "So what? How does that help?"

"Remember what the Major says about war?" She asks as she looks over her notes.

Rory glances up as she thinks. "He says a lot of silly things. But in this context, I think it's 'Knowing is half the battle'?"

"Correct," She responds and then stands up. She sees the argument turn into factions, just because no one knows what to do. "Major Sharpe."

She notices no one responds, not hearing her.

Rory stands up beside her and yells. "Shut up!" She then places her hand on her forehead. "That hurt."

She looks to Rory, rubbing her hear from the scream. She then looks back and sees everyone looks at her. "I think I know where they are."

"Explain," Yang demands.

She takes a deep breath as she gathers her thoughts. "This was a kidnap, not an assassination so that means they have other plans for her. Selina has told us that her people have a lot of enemies. This probably has something to do with some past event and there looking for justice."

"based on how efficient they snuck into this palace, knowing this was the moment we were at our weakest. That means they had to be watching for some time. Since they are Wood Elves, they have an unusual advantage in the forest and that they are not from this region. Taking a girl would slow them down and limit the places they could go to. That means they must have a camp nearby, but I doubt it is the main camp. They have to be mobile, so we have a limited window."

"Lelei," Sarah said, signaling her to wrap it up.

She nods and looks to Sharpe. She then holds out her tablet which shows the military map around Italica. She then points north to this forest area. "I believe they would go here. They can take cover and it is the safest for them. Going any other way increases the risk of them running into our people or the Empire."

Sharpe looks at her, looking like he is in deep thought. "Let's go." He then turns around. "Johnson."

"On its sir," Johnson said and then heads out of the room.

Sharpe sees Pina starting to follow Johnson.

"Not you Pina," Sharpe said.

"Hold on Major," Yang said. His face looks like he wants to protest but then he looks back to her. He then looks back to Sharpe. "You are taking the Knights."

"Sir?" Sharpe said, about to protest.

She understands why Sharpe wants to protest, after everything that just happens. Sharpe values trust and loyalty. Right now, both of those just got punched hard in a matter of minutes. But she sees Yang's reaction, giving him the no 'bullshit' look.

"Let's go, Girls," Sharpe said and storm out of the room.


Colonel Yang places his hands on this couch, taking out his stress out on it. As Sharpe, the girls and Pina Knights leave, he looks to Grey. "No, you are though."

Grey turns around and looks at him. "I should go and help."

"Yeah. But there is a fifty-fifty chance Sharpe is going to shoot you if you go out there. Stay here." Yang said.

He can only imagine how they must all feel. Learning that your daughter was taken is any parent worse nightmare. The girl somewhat has become a mascot for the troops in Alnus. It is a daily reminder of why we are here and fighting for.

Countess Myui Del Formal walks over. "I apologize that this happened under my roof."

"From what I understand Countess, this was not your fault. Everyone is just tense." Yang responds.

He must admit, he was impressed with Lelei. Special kid, been nicknamed by some of the troops as the Walking Computer. While everyone else was dicking around, she took everything that was said and created a mental map.

He then looks to First Lieutenant Sarah Rose. "You should go with."

He watches as Sarah gives him a salute and walks out.

Normally Major Sharpe is one of the most dependable and cool-headed under his command. Been through intense combat and has a good sense of a situation. Able to keep his wits under the most serious situation but everyone has a limit. He wants Sarah by his side to prevent him from doing something he will regret later.

"Still," Myui said. "I like to offer my help with your permission. Mamina is my top assassin. Persia is skilled at tracking."

"I will be honored to help," Mamina said.

"Alright, go," He said.

As he watches the Warrior Bunny walk away, he looks to Willington. "You have been quiet."

"I been thinking," Willington said. "This complicates things."

"Which part? The part we had royalty under our noses and we never knew about it? Or is it that we let someone kidnap her?" Yang said.

"The President won't like this," Willington said, rubbing his chin. "But I think I can work around this. We should talk in private Colonel."


Selina picks up this bowl of popcorn and walks over to Sharpe's bed. Once in bed, she gets cozy by his side. "What are we watching this time? You said it's about Cat People?"

"It is called Thunder Cats. It is an 80s classic." Sharpe said with a chuckle.

She rolls her eyes and giggles hearing that. She has figured out these are children shows that are incredibly old. She found it funny this grown man warrior into that, but she has learned to enjoy it too. Finding it easy to learn about their culture and spending time with him.

His place is a small military apartment, barely enough room to fit one. But she does not care, he lets her live-in here whenever she wants, and she enjoys it. This small room has been the only place she felt like home and safe.

"You have strange shows," She said.

"You're watching it, doesn't that make you the strange one?" He says with a chuckle.

She takes a piece of popcorn and throws it at his face, giggling.

This reminds her of when they first met. She was scared and indecent. She spent many months being transported as a slave but in a quick moment she ended up in the back of his vehicle. The next thing she saw was him next to her and both watching this 1984 Transformers cartoon.

At the time she had no idea what was happening, but it is a moment she treasures. It has become an ongoing tradition. She considers moments like this important because it was the first thing they ever did together. The first act of a father in her life.

"Coming from a grown man Who watches children shows," She responds.

The next thing she sees is him picking up the bowl and flipping g it onto of her head.

She laughs and takes the bowl off. When she can see again, she notices she is alone.

"Father?... Where you go, father?"


--- nearby forest, between Italica and Malrtis ---

December 15th, 2025

"…father...," She mumbles as she slowly wakes up. The first thing she is the wet grass.

She tries to move but notices that her hands and legs are bound, a feeling she remembers all too well.

"Father?" She asks as she tries to look around.

"Damn girl, be silent," Someone says with a tired voice.

As she looks around, she feels this hand grab her butt. "Hey! Wow…" she suddenly is lifted and drop to the ground.

She lands on her arm, hurting hard. She shakes a bit feeling the cold air, not wearing the proper clothes for this temporary.

"I didn't realize Humans were this heavy," The person said.

Once she recovers from the shock, she looks around and sees five elves. Not just any elves but Wood Elves, enemies of her people. "Were Father?" She asks, getting scared about the situation.

"All you say is Father," This other elf said. "Why?"

This older looking elf walks over. He grabs her by her dress, tearing it a bit. He then lifts her up with both hands, bringing her close. "Are you Juleas daughter? Are you Selina?"

She struggles but then looks at him. "Ye… no. I am not."

She remembers Sharpe tells stories of how he lied but make it sound like it is the truth during a tense situation. She tried but did not properly execute it. She sees the old elf get angry.

"Your eyes tell me everything. You are a horrible liar." He says and drops her on the ground.

"Ouch!" She yells and begins to cry from the pain. "Why am I here?"

The elf was about to look away but stops. This other elf walks up.

"My lord, we need to rest." The other elf asks with a tired voice.

"Fine," the old elf said. "I think we made a clean getaway. Rest here for the time being. Well, need the strength later. Then we can put this mess behind us."

As she recovers, she looks up, noticing she does not know where she is. "Answer me. My father is dead, why did you take me?"

The old elf knees next to her. "Do you know who I am?"

She looks up at him. "A Wood Elf." She notices that response angers him.

"Of course, I am. Glade you see the basics Edrian." The old elf said. "Our people have been at war for hundreds of years. It's sad that your father was killed in the manner he was."

She is confused by what he said. All she remembers is her father mentioning them a few times. She was too young to fully know what was going on. By the time she was ten, his attention was fighting the Empire which came from the southern path.

The old elf looks at her. He grabs her face and makes sure she pays attention. "It wouldn't be fair to sacrifice you without you knowing who I am. I am Lord Lashin, one of the twelve heads of the Nadrish Tribe.

"Father never mention you. He was fighting the Empire." She says. "But he's dead. Why did you come for me? No one in Edras wants me."

"Didn't you hear me Human? I am going to sacrifice you to Palapon. I do not care about Human politics or anyone's." Lashin said. "Your father killed my wife and kids. Your father and his fathers killed my people. I am going to end this war once and for all. These are your last moments. You will pay for your father's sins."

"But he's dead. I keep telling you my father is dead." She yells with anger.

"You are correct little one," Lashin said. "However, his blood flows through your veins. One day your womb will birth a son, just like all of you Miritta whores do. He will continue this war and kill my people."

The gravity of the situation dawns on her. He is going to kill her for what her father did to him. She could not help herself but look at the direction they came from.

"They won't find you. We covered our tracks and by the time we get to camp, we will begin the ritual. By the time they figure out where to start looking, we will be going home. Your new Other Worlders bodyguards can't save you."

Lashin gets up and starts to walk away.

She cries a little from hearing that. That there is no chance of rescue. She wants to escape but struggling to move from the bonds.

"No Elf," She said in a defiant tone. "My father will come."

Lashin turns around. "Are you slow? He is dead. You said it yourself."

She adjusts herself and looks directly at him. She knows if Sharpe were in this position, he would never be afraid. Holding out hope to the last second, maybe even create some.

Then she realizes something. When she said father, she met Sharpe but Lashin assumed she was talking about her dead Edrian father. He just called her new family royal guards, which means he does not fully understand her relationship with them. That means he will underestimate her new father.

She looks away from Lashin, not wanting to answer. Lashin just walks away.

She takes a breath. While scared she knows she will be fine. Unlike the last time she was traded away, this time she has people who will look for them. This time, she knows her father will come for her.

She takes a deep breath and looks at her clothes. She then tries to reach down and starts ripping a part of her dress. She plans on leaving some clues for Sharpe to find. Maybe someone will catch her sent from the cloths.


--- Italica ---

December 15th, 2025

Sharpe walks to the HUMVEE that the local motor pool lent them. He looks around and sees the bulk of his team, Pina and some of her Knights and the maid Mamina.

He watches Andrew put away his sniper. He looks past him and sees everyone quickly loading up the HUMVEEs.

He takes a deep breath as he tries to calm himself down. He feels like he was not just hit by a truck but by a freight train. So much new information hit him so fast and so much he thought he knew just got thrown into the trashcan.

He always knew Selina was keeping a secret. A part of her acted more properly than the average kid of this world. That just made him assume she was once some nobleman daughter. He assumed she did not want to talk about them because it might have been too painful and was trying to move on with her life.

He can understand that is what he been trying to do. He begins to wonder that is why she did not tell him. He refused to talk about his past, so she followed suit. He thinks that when Sarah is right, she is right. He needs to do better so Selina is more comfortable speaking up.

Being royalty completely caught him off guard though. He is trying to figure out what he should do about that. If he knew he would have done things very differently.

He feels this pat on the shoulder and looks over to his left. He sees Sarah walks up.

"Everyone is almost geared up. We are just missing Scott, Frost, and Alicia. All too drunk to help. But Pina and a few of her Knights are coming. Plus, the bunny and cat are coming so this should be enough." Sarah reports. She then looks at him. "Everything ok?"

'Ok' is a massive overstatement he thinks. "Just trying to figure it all out. I wish she just told me."

"I understand. Lost Princess who saw her family murdered in a coup. Sold off as part of a peace treaty with the Empire. Then rescued by this overly principled shiny knight in green Kevlar that became a father figure." She speaks.

"I am not in the mood for sarcasm First Lieutenant." He speaks.

"I hate to say it Sharpe, but I agree with Grey," Sarah said.

He looks to her pissed. He can forgive Pina for not telling him. No matter how much that pissed him off, it was clear it was a cultural misunderstanding. If it were not for the current situation, he could respect the fact that she didn't make a big deal about it in the name of diplomacy. He understands she has been trying to be on his good side and in an odd twist of fate, she doing the right thing turned out to mess everything up.

But Grey, he does not regret punching him. He worked and talk to him many times. He thought they had a mutual understanding just to find out he knew all of this.

Again, he feels Sarah's hand on his shoulder.

"I know your worried and pissed but you need to stay cool. Your no help to her like this." Sarah said.

"I just don't understand why," He said.

Sarah takes a stressed breath. "Look, Sharpe. What you are good at is seeing exactly want you need to see. You take complicated issues and simplifies them and then act. But right now, you are overthinking the facts. Let me ask you this question. Are you going out to save a princess or are you going to go save your daughter?"

He looks at her thinking about that. He learned a long time ago that it is important to keep things simple. Sarah's question made complete sense. The truth is he does not care about this new information; these people took his daughter and that is all that matters. Royalty and all that means nothing to him.

"Let's get the brat," He said and looks around. He sees his Rangers getting in. He sees Pina, Suissesse, Margarita, and Bozes.

"This isn't natural," Suissesse states as she resists getting in the HUMVEE.

Pina pushes her inside. "That is what I said the first time. Just do it."

He then looks to the girls is getting inside, yawning. He understands she is tired but glad to have her along. He then sees Lelei. As she passes, he stops her. "Lelei, whatever happens. I just want to say proud of you."

Lelei looks up at him and nods. "We should go."

He nods but then notices someone is missing. He does not see Tuka loading up. He looks around and sees Tuka over by the palace.

He walks over to Tuka and notices she looks uneasy. "Tuka, I know it is a tense situation, but we need to go. Mount up."

Tuke crosses her arms and refuses to look at him in the eyes. "I am not going."

He could not believe what he just heard. At first, he thought he misheard but he can tell he did not. "Tuka, Selina needs us. I need help."

"I can't. I am sorry about I can't help an Edrian," Tuka said.


"Look Major, I am sorry, but I cannot help her. If what those Imperialists said is true, I cannot help the man daughter who massacred my people. Eight years of hell just to…"

He can see Tuka crying as she spoke. He thought she was passed this. "It's Selina. I thought you two were friends. She thinks you are her friend. She does not care that you are an elf. She wasn't involved…"

"Major," Tuka said as she holds back her upset emotions. "You always said that you should live by your principles. I cannot help the people who butchered my people. I cannot bring myself to save the daughter of King Juleas. If she were just any other Edrian girl than maybe I could but…"

He takes a breath, not knowing how to respond. Normally he would be happy to go twelve rounds with someone about principle but right now he cannot. He just cannot believe after everything they been through, this is her redline.

He turns around and heads back to the vehicles. Hearing all that, a part of him feels crushed. He knows he did not save her people to gain a favor or anything like that. It is just, he does not know how to process it.

"What's going on with Tuka?" Rory asks"

"Not coming, get in." He responds and he gets inside the passenger seat.

He then looks to Andrew who is in the driver seat. "Drive Corporal."

"Yes sir," Andrew responds.

Sarah pops through the center. "Everything ok?"

He looks to her. "Work with Lelei and figure out where they might be. I expect a report when we get there."

He looks forward as the HUMVEE starts going. Suddenly Andrew stops the HUMVEE. "Andrew, what…"

"I'm sorry sir but someone running up," Andrew said as he looks at the mirror. "Correction. Make that three. Its Alicia. Scott, and Frost."

The back door opens, and Private First-Class Alicia Moore gets in. "I'm… I am sorry. I'm here." She says, trying to keep her composer.

"You look like you half asleep Private," Sarah said. "I know you been drinking…"

"I am fine," Alicia responds, shaking her head. "Just need a nap. Not letting my little niece get away like that."

He takes a deep relax breath hearing that. Alicia was also there when he freed Selina, taking out that fourth guy. He is glad that she and everyone else is there. "Drive Corporal."



(1)Chapter 40

(2)Chapter 46

(3)Chapter 42

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