V10 - Chapter 117 Fathers Duty

--- Nadris Expedition Camp ---

December 15th, 2025

Lord Lashin walks through the camps as Haoulis and Koulua drag the Human Princess Selina through. This is one of many camps he had his expedition set up. He did not want his forces to be bunched up into one location, easier to spot.

All around he can see his warriors gather, cheering and threatening the Princess. It has been a long wait, everyone waiting for the perfect chance to take her.

They first came to this region planning to strike Sadera itself, the capital of the Empire and take her away. Not through a siege but sneaking into the palace, just like what they did in Italica. That was before he learned about these Other Worlders. Out of nowhere two of his scouts found her in Italica, walking freely.

He could not believe that at first. His luck could not be that good. They were they to gather supplies and contacts, not to find the damn girl. Learning that he was forced to change his plans.

He quickly understood that the Other Worlders were too powerful to attack directly. He does not know why those people were protecting the Human girl, but it would not change his path for vengeance.

He looks back and sees Selina. She looks terrified about the amounts of people that are cheering for her death. What is bothering him is that she does not look like someone who lost hope of rescue. There is no chance, he was incredibly careful not leaving clues. How would they even know where to begin?

He gets to the main tent and he walks in. The other two elves walk in and toss Selina into the ground.

"Ahh…," Selina yells as she cries from the impact.

"Tie her to the post. I want to take no chances." He orders.

He watches his two warriors take the girl and tie a rope around her neck and then to the post. While he does not believe she can escape, he knows they are so close to ending this expedition. His men want to go home, including him.

"She is secured," Haoulis said. He then reaches out and feels her hair. "My Lord, would you like her to be cleaned before the ritual?"

He then sees Selina bit Haoulis finger. "Let go of me!"

"Ouch," Haoulis states as he wags his figure from the bit. "Feisty to the end."

"Don't bother," He said. "Palapon requires a body. He said nothing about clean cloths. Let us go and make the preparations."

He walks to the door but is stopped by Haoulis.

"My Lord," Haoulis whispers. "This doesn't feel right."

He looks to his friend. "I feel the same. She knows something we don't."

Haoulis nods and crosses his arms. "I got that impression back at the forest edge. I think we should assume the Other Worlders will find us sooner than expected."

"I agree. Make the preparations to leave. When the ritual is over, I want us to get some leagues(1) between us. Enchant the trees." He states.

"Yes, my lord," Haoulis said and leaves.

As he is about to leave, he looks back at the girl. She sits there on her knees, looking around. She seems to want to lay down and rest but the rope acting as a leash is preventing her to do that. She looks like a mess; her dress is shredded and covered in mud. Her whole body is dirty from the travel from Italica. Her well begin was not a concern after all.

He knows he was right before that she is a horrible liar. Her eyes give it away. To his surprise, she seems purer than her father. She seems far different from what he expected.

"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be getting the punch drink for your party?" Selina asked, looking up at him, noticing that he has not left.

"Punch?" He asked.

"You know. The stuff you put in a large bowl that tastes like some kind of watery fruit," Selina explains.

None of that made sense to him. He closes the door and walks up to her. He then kneels so he is eye level with hers. "Why were they protecting you? What did you offer them in return?"

She shakes her head, trying to get off some water buildup on her hair. She then looks directly at him. "Nothing. They are protecting me and everyone else because that is what they do. You are enemies of the Empire correct?"

"Everyone enemies of the Empire," He responds.

"Yes, but they could help you against the Empire," She proposes.

He finds that as an interesting offer. Being royalty, she must have some influence over them, otherwise, why would they keep her around. "They might be at war with the Empire, but that does not mean they would support us."

"Unless you release me," She said. "I can put in a good word for you."

He smiles, enjoying her attempt. "Yes, the people who I just robbed would just suddenly form an alliance with?"

"I carry a lot of weight there," She said. "We don't have to do this."

"Very interesting young one," He said, amused by this conversation. "But I don't want an alliance with these people. A war between Humans does not bother me. We are safe in the west. My only priority is killing you and your bloodline. All I care about is putting an end to your people."

She glares at him and pushes forward. "I don't care about my people!"

He leans back shocked by that outburst.

She begins to cry, not able to keep holding it back. "They killed my family. My mother. My brother. They killed them all for what? You say I am their Princess, but they tossed me out like I was nothing. They sold me off to Prince Zorzal of all people. I was raped, abused, ignored. A plaything to passing strangers with a spare coin. I don't understand why you want to kill me; I am not them. But my father is going to come here and kill you fo-."

Hearing enough he grabs her cheeks with his hand to shut her up. He did not expect any of that. He knew she was sold off to slavery and does not care about that fact. But he had to admit, he did not put a lot of thought into it.

"Listen to me girl. My people would have never done that to our own." He spoke. To his surprise, he feels bad for her. While no fans of Humans, if it were not for her bloodline, he would not be here giving her a time of day. She could live through her short and pathetic life.

What bothered him the most was the last part. Back at the edge of the forest, she was saying father as she was knocked out. Then again when she awakens. While he thought it was strange, he left it at that. A scared girl looking for any form of security made sense. Now he is convinced she is not talking about King Juleas, her anger betrayed her.

"Who do you speak of?" He asked.

He can see her wink, realizing that she screwed up. He slowly moves his hand away.

"I was adopted by an American. One of the Other Worlders. He saved me from the Empire." She takes a deep breath but then glares with rage at him. "He is a monster from his world. He is a cold killer. I saw it with my own eyes. But he is not a monster to me but to people like you. Who kidnaps and hurts people for their own self-pity? Who seek to hurt others? My father will find you and he will kill you." She finishes with tears flowing down her cheeks.

He looks at her and for once he believes her. He stands up and looks down at her. "He can come, and he will fail. Just like your last father. I have come too far to fail. But if I die now, at least I have ended your bloodline. It is not about you Edrian, it is about what comes after you that fears me."

He turns around and walks out of the room. A remarkably interesting conversation and a brave girl she is.

As he walks away, if her story is true, she is a strong young one. More he thinks about it, she seems to be a future threat if she remains alive. If she ever takes the throne, she might be a force to reckon with.

--- Edge of Forest ---

Sharpe walks around the area. Everyone that came with him is searching around. Looking for anything.

He looks to his right and sees Lelei looking at her tablet. She is trying to figure out the most logical location to their destination.

He knows she gets frustrated being the emotionless girl in the group but at times he loves it. He has told her before and he will need to again after this, that out of everyone he relies on her the most. You would think Rory would be that being a demi-goddess, but mind of matter applies.

He looks around and sees everyone else searching for any clues. "If you have anything please tell me."

"Of course, I will major," Lelei said.

He walks away and heads to the group upfront. Johnson walks up to him. "Nothing yet sir. Should we split up?"

He wants to say yes but his military training saying no. He wants to send everyone out there, alone if he needed to, just to increase the chances of finding something, anything. But that would be foolish and could get people lost or killed. "No. We do not want to get cut off and ambushed. We are on their turf and must respect that."

"But we are running out of time," Pina states as she walks up. "I think we all are-."

He looks to her. "I am not putting the unit in grave danger like that. Not until we have something to go off." He said with a somewhat defeated tone.

"We will spend fifteen more minutes out here searching then will conduct a search march into the forest." He spoke.

"Everyone spread out but stay in sight." Johnson orders as he directs everyone.

As they walk off, he looks around hoping to catch something.

Pina walks up to his side. "This might not be the right time but for what it is worth I am sorry for not telling you."

He takes a heavy breath. "It's not your fault or Greys or even her. I am her father, and I am in command. So, it is mine. I should have been more open, so she felt say to share it with me. Maybe I was there more besides being so eager to fight."

"You're a soldier. I think she understands." Pina said.

"I just don't know," He said. "If anything happens, tell Sarah she is in command."

"What? I don't understand." Pina asked.

All this reminds him of all his search and destroys missions and rescue missions from when he was in Delta. Some of them were easy while others were bloody. He understands all too well how this path can go down. If this does not go down the way he wants, he does not know he will be able to properly execute his command.

This one mission comes to mind, in Thailand. While he has no regrets what they had to do there against Communist guerrillas, he does not want to cross that line again now he is in the Rangers.

But he is worried that if they kill Selina, he will not be able to go back until there all dead and that scares him a bit.

"Know your limits and redlines Princess," He said, looking at her. "Just remember why you do what… you…"

He sees Pina looking at him, starting to look confused that he suddenly stops speaking.

In the distance, he thought he saw something. He completely ignores Pina and everything else that is around him and looks at the opening in the forest.

Far away he sees something goldish. It is far away and wonders if it is just his eyes playing tricks on him.

He blinks and sees that the goldish object was gone.

"Major? Are you ok?" Pina asked.

He decides to just run into that direction, going as fast as he can. He does not know why, just a feeling. Whatever he saw, even if it was his mind showing him what he wants to see, its better then standing there and doing nothing.

He can hear on his radio and everyone telling everyone that he just ran off. That they need to move out and follow.

He runs, jumping over logs and small ditches. Dodging anything that is in his way, getting far ahead of everyone else.

After a short amount of time, he finally stops. He is breathing heavily, sweat dripping from his face.

"For a Human you are fast," Mamina said as she stops right beside him. "Did you see something?"

Rory then lands right beside him, ready to fight. "Did you see something?"

"I just asked that," Mamina said.

He looks to her and then looks around. He hopes that he did not just waste time. "Look around."

Slowly everyone else starts catching up. Johnson, Sarah, and Pina telling everyone to spread out.

"Holy shit sir, how the hell did you run that fast," Alicia asked as she gathers her breath.

He looks around, hoping to hear or see anything. From what Lelei said, Elves do not leave footprints. That has made tracking much hard.

He grabs his radio. "Anything anyone?"

He gets some delay, the NW(2) does not properly function out here. Back on Earth Satellites and other relay stations would help guarantee effective in communications. On this planet, the Army must relay on drones or ground base relay stations for the NW Network to properly work. It works in the theater of operations but not out here, not properly anyway.

After a short delay and repeating his question, everyone reports nothing.

Sarah walks up. "What is up?"

"I thought I saw something." He responds.

"Pina told me to take command if things go south," Sarah said.

He ignores what she said. He knows the order he gave and is not planning on debating it. "Report First Lieutenant."

He can tell she is not happy that he ignores what she said. But he gives him a report on the sweep of the area. As he expected, nothing.

"You know, if we had another elf maybe they would know where to go," Sarah said.

"I know," He said in a heavy tone. He sees Sarah looking away, regretting what she just said. She is not wrong though. He wishes Tuka was here. Maybe an elf point of view could be useful.

Right then Scott speaks over the radio. "Major, we found something. Do you copy over?"

"This is Vanguard-7 Lead, I hear you," He responds.

"We found something. Come to my position." Scott said.

He looks through his HUD, getting mix data from the lack of a clear connection. He hits his helmet, and the picture appears. NW allows the team commander to know what is going on with his unit. He able to find Scott's position and both starts rushing over to Scott's position.

It was a bit out of the way, towards the end of the formation. But he sees Scott, Persia, Shandy, and Margarita.

He stops and before he can say report, Scott holds up this Polaris neckless. The chain is gone, and part of the jewelry is damage but none of that matters to him. It is the neckless he gave Selina as a present when they first went to Earth. She wears it everywhere religiously.

"Persia saw it form over there," Scott said and then points.

"It was shiny," Persia said with much pride.

He walks over and takes the Polaris star from Scott. With his other hand, he pats and rubs Persia's head as he would do with a cat back on Earth. "Good job kitty."

"We found it in this ditch. It is a mess like she fell in there." Scott said as he points.

He grabs his radio and calls for Randy to get over there ASAP. Randy is the team pathfinder, specializing in tracking.

He walks over to the ditch and looks around. "Sarah, rally everyone. Once we figure this out. We are going in."

"Roger that," Sarah said. She then walks away to organize everyone.

Randy rushes up with a few others. He already knows what to do and rushes up by Sharpe's side.

He looks up to Randy and points all around. "This isn't natural. Looks like someone fell in here." He already knows the answer, Selina was here and can see a direction where she went. However, he wants a second opinion he trusts, knowing that he is too emotional and might miss a detail.

Randy looks around and then confirms what he sees. "I would say they went northwest. It looks fresh."

"You people have those cars. We got here much faster than I would expect. They had to be on foot, so we made up a lot of time already. I don't think they will be expecting us this soon," Mamina said.

Rory runs up and looks. "I agree. We need to be careful. This is their territory, and this is where their Fey Magic is most effective."

He looks to Rory. She explained on the way here. Fey Magic specializes in nature spells, enchanting trees, and plants. Taking control of vines, hardening of wood and or even summoning an Ent. He already can tell that they could easily get ambushed in this forest and they can just summon the roots underground.

He takes Selina Polaris neckless and puts it in his pocket. "Let's move."

--- Nadris Expedition Camp ---

Selina leans against the post, unable to lay down. Her body feels tired and is cold. Her arms and legs feel numb as they are still bound by the rope. She does not know how long she has been here, so far it has felt like hours.

Her captures so far refused to give her anything to eat or drink. They always say that it is pointless as her time is coming to an end.

To pass the time she tries to hum a song she remembers her mom sang to her. It is a religious song, about Miritta about life and virtue. It is the only thing she can think about to keep her spirit up.

This reminds her of her experience when traveling from Edras to here. Tied up like this and against her will. Just given enough supplies to live. "At least I am not being raped this time…," She mumbles to herself, trying to raise her spirits but failed.

She glances down, angry with herself for how she spoke before. She hopes her anger did not warn these elves about her father Sharpe. Even though things look dark, she still holds out hope he will come through that door. He saved her once before and they did not know each other. She refuses to accept that he will not this time.

She begins to wonder about her Edras father. Was he that evil of a man? She rarely got to see his sense he was off fighting all the time. Even when he was at the castle, he rarely wanted to spend time with her. Her duty was to be with the priestess to become ready for her day to give herself to Miritta.

She starts to think of her friends like Rory, Lelei, and Tuka. She wonders if they were in her position would they be able to escape. Rory of course and Lelei would be able to use her magic. And Tuka an elf, they seem to be able to do anything they wish.

She wonders if the only reason she is in this position is that she is weak and can defend herself. If only if she were stronger like that, maybe she would not have been taken away so easily.

As she cries from the though she notices Lord Lashin and a few of his elves walk in.

"It is time," Lashin said. "It is time for your soul to be given to Palapon."

Haoulis walks up. "Miritta won't be here for you. She has abandoned your kind long ago. Just embrace your father's sins little one. The crimes of your bloodline will be cast away."

Lashin walks up to her and pulls out a knife. He then knees right in front of her.

She sees that knife, looking long and sharp. She has no idea what this ritual is. The blade gets closer to her and sees her life passes her eyes.

But then she watches him cut his hand. He then takes his other hand and starts drawing these marks on her face with his own blood.

"You have been marked. With your death, I will be freed from Palapon." Lashin said.

She breathes heavily, trying to form the right words but cannot. She watches Lashin stand up and orders his people to bring her.

She watches as the elf Haoulis walks over. He unties the rope that is connecting her to the post and uses it as a leash. She feels him pulling her along, like what you would do with a pet.

She resists at first but sees the other elf walks over in a threatening way. Seeing that she starts walking, following them.

The camp is not that big, so it did not take long for her to walk to the center of the camp. Just like before, she sees all these Wood Elves all around cheering for her death. Calling for the death of her people and other insults.

She looks around and then walks into this open area. That is when she sees this pile of wood ready to be set on fire. Above it is this tripod. She sees what they are going to do. They are going to hang her with the tripod and then light the wood foundation on fire.

They pull her close, but she stops, trying to pull away. "No!"

But Haoulis and Koulua walks to her and pick her up. They start taking her to the tripod. She struggles with what little strength she has left.

"Knock it off you Miritta whore!" Koulua said annoyed. He then punches her right in the gut.

Feeling the hit, she stops moving, her body paying more attention to the pain. The next thing she notices is that she is hanging down, her arms up. Her feet are just above the pile of wood.

She looks out and sees Lord Lashin making a speech. She cannot hear everything but Lashin is talking about the history between our peoples, from his viewpoint. Talking about his Edras slaughtered and murdered their people. That with her death, centuries of blood shall be revenge. The end of the Royal bloodline once and for all.

She watches as this elf hands Lashin a torch and he take it. He raises it high, and everyone cheers.

He slowly turns around and looks directly at her. She can see the hatred, determination, the commitment in his eyes.

Her eyes widen seeing that he is going to do it. Then she watches as the tosses the torch into the pit, sparking flames all around her. She begins to cry as she watches the gulf of flames surround her. She closes her eyes. "Mirrita help… Father… Daddy…?"

As the flames engulf around her, she notices that it was not hot. She opens her eyes and sees this light glow that is keeping the flames away. Then she hears this gunshot, and she begins falling as the rope comes apart.

Right then she sees feel someone grabs her and flies forward. They move forward through the flames, feeling the intense heat. They both land and slide a little in the mud.

She opens her eyes and loops up. She sees Sharpe holding her.

She then looks out to Lashin and sees this baffled confused look on his face.

"Hold on," Sharpe said. He then holds her tight and runs to the left.


Rory lands on top of the burning pile of wood. With one swing of her Halberd the flames disappear. She looks down and sees Sharpe holding Selina.

He then runs away as planned. In the background, she can hear the Rangers opening fire into the camp as they cover their commander.

For a moment she thought they were too late, watching the flames engulf Selina. But she notices she was ok, this protective shield protecting her by the fire. Sharpe said he saw a golden fox before and now this. She wonders if was Karlin Daolo who put up the magical shield.

But right now, she has her job. Sharpe asked her to cover his six, trusting her with his life.

She sees everyone looking up at her, most of them confused about what is happening. Some start to follow Sharpe. She aims her Halberd at the crowd of elves. "Where do you think you are going?" She said in a dark tone.

"I am Rory Mercury, the demi-goddess of Emroy. The god of Darkness, Violence, War, Insanity, Crime, Execution, and Death. I am going to make you all experience them all." She said in an angry tone. Normally she takes pride and enjoys when she fights. Not today.

She can feel the presence of Palapon everywhere. These people have tainted their souls just for this?

"You think you could abandon Wareharun and switch to Palapon? For people who live a long time, you sure are stupid. Once you serve Palapon, you never go back. Your soul is gone forever." She said as her anger boils. She tightens her grip, ready to kill them.

She sees many of them start to worry, finally starting to see what is happening. Right then, she jumps forward to start the slaughter.


Sharpe is running through the camp, trying to dodge all the elves. He hears his Rangers firing down into the camp. Their job is to help protect a path so he can escape. If he is carrying Selina, he knows he is defenseless.

Behind him, he can hear the yelling and screaming of the elves as they fight Rory. He picked her because, in this situation, he can trust her. She is loyal, strong, brave, and even though he bumps heads once and awhile, she is always there when he needs her.

"Dad…?" Selina said in a soft voice.

That is a word he never heard her say before. "Later Selina. Once we get back home."

As he finishes, he sees the shadow of this elf. He then hears the sound from Andrew's sniper rifle take that elf who is about to ambush him.

He gets back up and starts running again. "Just stay calm. We will get out of here."

He sees a few elves get ahead of him and block his path. He expected this because three Rose Knights attack them from the side, killing them. Pina's job was to create an exit for him.

"We did it!" Shandy Gaff Marea said with shock.

"Knock it off and stay focus," Jalin Tu Fendro said.

He runs right up to them and sees Pina walk up.

"Path is clear sir," Pina said with a bad salute. Something she has soon the Rangers do to him and trying to copy.

He nods and follows her.

They quickly head up to the ridge where his Ranger team is at.

He then stops and sets her down as he catches his breath.

He sees Johnson walks behind everyone, giving directions on where everyone should be firing at. Everyone is taking cover behind dirt mounds or tree trunks. The firing line is alive as everyone fires into the camp.

Sarah runs up. "Are you ok?"

Selina looks up at her and shakes her head no. He does not blame her for that, who would be.

He looks up at Sarah. "Let's regroup and get out of here."

Sarah nods and grabs her radio. As he gives the order to retreat, they all see Rory fly pass them and hits a tree, falling to the ground.

"That's not good," He said.

"In the trees!" One of the Rose Knights yells but he does not know which one.

He looks up and sees a few elves using the trees to get behind them.

"Everyone pulls back!" Sarah yells.

What happens in front of him his mind refused to accept. The vines on the tree by Rory come alive and grabs her by the leg and arms. As she struggles, she is lifted into the air, away from her weapon.

He looks around and sees these vines coming out of the trees. As Rory said before, the trees are coming alive. He could not imagine this is what she met. She sees the Rose Knights using their swords to cut the vines as they attack but there coming from all directions.

"Rangers redirect fire. We have been flanked!" He yells.

Both Johnson and Randy noticing the changing situation redirects the team and they all start firing into the air, trying to shut down the vines or trees.

He watches a Scott fires into this tree with his M240. The tree glows tree and the bark get thicker and harder, making the bullets bounce off it.

He grabs his rifle and starts looking for the elves in the trees. "Knights focus on the vines. Rangers, the elves are controlling the vines and trees. Search and take them out."

He sees everyone doing just that. The Knights huddling around to protect the Rangers as they try to pick off any elf they see. For the moment it looks like it is working but this large root came from underground.

The root forces everyone to spread out as they try to figure out what is happening. Alicia starts yelling as this vine grabs her by the leg and starts pulling her up. He aims his rifle to try and snipe the vine but cannot find a good shot to free her.

He then sees the same thing happening all around.

This other root comes out of the around, blocking the path they came from.

He looks to Selina and grabs her, pulling her right behind him. He wants to tell her to run but he can see her too tired. He does not expect her to make it far anyway with how the situation is going.

He then sees this energy blast flies, lighting this tree partly on fire. It came from Lelei.

He looks to her to give her an order, wanting her to provide cover so he can reorganize everything. But he sees this vine right behind her. It wraps around her and another grabs her arm, taking away her staff. Without it, her magic is far weaker.

"Shit," He said as he looks around. Half of his team have become immobilized by the trees. Rangers and Knights.

"Dad!" Selina yells.

He turns around and pushes her to the ground. This vine grabs his arm and starts dragging him away. He stops but this other root grabs him by the leg. The tree forces him up and he sees that elf from the camp. He heard him calling himself Lord Lashin.

He looks up at him, only being about twenty feet away from him.

"You must be the other Father she talked about," Lashin said as he grabs Selina by the arm. "I am impressed. Maybe if you came more prepared this could have gone a different way."

Lashin then pulls out a knife and gets ready to slit Selina through.

He grabs his knife and tries to cut free from the vine, not wanting to accept what is about to happen.

Suddenly this arrow hits Lashin in the shoulder, forcing him to let go of Selina.

Selina drops to the ground but then forces herself back up and runs to him.

He grabs her and holds her close. "Selina. Take my knife, cut my leg free."

He then looks up and sees Tuka lands a few feet to his side.

"This is enough," Tuka said.

Lashin holds his wound. "A High Elf. You are a long way from a home young one."

Tuka stands there, pulling out another arrow and getting ready to fire. "Lord Lashin. You are the ones who are far away from home. Call of your people and you will be able to leave without punishment."

"Were winning," Lashin responds.

"Right now. What about tomorrow when the full might of their people come." Tuka states.

He can see Lashin thinking about that. That is a good point, he might win today battle but he knows the US will not be pleased by this. They will retaliate.

"That is a good point. We were already about to leave these lands forever until they stopped the ritual." Lashin said and takes a step forward. "My fellow elf, we both suffered from her kind. High Elf, Wood Elf means nothing to them. She might call you a friend today but as you said, what about tomorrow? She will grow into her destiny and will slaughter both of our people."

He looks to Tuka and sees this frustration and anger. He can see that she is seriously thinking about what he is saying.

Lashin sees these two and takes another step forward. "Our people have had our differences but Edras is a common enemy. Remember it was her father that drove your people off your lands. It is her father's fault that your people suffered so much. Do not protect her, she is not worth it.

"Every day you will look at her knowing that she is the daughter of a murderer. Every day you will that you had a chance to get justice for what her father did, and you did not. It will eat you alive if you don't strike her down." Lashin said withy much passion. "Bring her to me and together we can correct a wrong. We can end this for both of our people. You might even be able to go home."

All around he can see the battle stop. The elves who are in control of the vines and roots looking down to see what Tuka does.

"You are right, I am angry," Tuka said. "I am angry about what happened to my people. I blame her people for what they did."

He then sees Tuka looking at Selina as she lights up her arrow. He grabs her and tries to move her behind him, trying to provide some form of protection.

Tuka then pulls back her arrow on the bow Sharpe bought her. "But I want revenge against the people who deserve it." She turns around and aims up, firing the arrow at the vine holding Rory.

The arrow explodes in flames, but Rory drops down free.

"Kill them all!" Lashin yells in anger.

He then hears someone behind him and then the vine holding him is chopped off. He sees Grey moving down and cut the root that is holding his leg down. He is shocked to see him here too but not going to complain. He gets up.

"Grey," He said.

Grey looks at him, both meeting each other gaze.

"Selina go with him," He said.

Grey nods and then holds out this sword. "I think this will be more effective."

He takes it, agreeing on the situation. He then runs out to command the team, knowing Selina is safe with Grey, regardless of their recent drama.

He rushes up and sees Tuka firing her arrows at the Wood Elves. He sees Rory slashing at a vine, trying to destroy an elves-controlled tree.

"Rory!" He yells and when he sees that he got her attention. "Free Lelei and then everyone else. Tell her Harry Potter Firestorm."

Rory nods and dashes off.

He turns around and swings the sword at this vine, trying to free Alicia.


Princess Pina runs forward and swings her sword at this vine. With the cut, the Ranger medic Jerry William falls from above.

She turns around to her knights. She then points to Beefeater and Suissesse, two of her best swordsmen. "Cover everyone while we cut everyone down."

She looks up and sees Panache and Scott fighting off these harden trees. She was about to go join them but hears someone above her. She sees the maid Mamina hanging above her. She is trying to rip apart the vine holding her.

"I am coming." She yells.

"No Princess," Jalin said and stops her. "I will. They need you to take command down there."

She looks at Jalin and sees Rory rushing by. She wonders if the Americans will accept her leadership. But she nods in agreement and she runs down.

She finds it interesting how useless the American weapons are against Fey Magic. Not that her sword any better, there already cracks on her blade. Still, it shows they are not gods. But this gives her Knights a chance to prove themselves. Not in trying to one-up the Rangers but aiding where they are weak. So, they can do that in return.

Once she gets down there, she sees Rory chopping Lelei down. She gets underneath and helps catches her.

"Thank you, Princess," Lelei said.

"You're welcome," She replied and looks to Rory. "Where is the Major?"

"He is fighting Lashin and his goons. I am trying to free everyone. Once there free we are retreating." Rory said in a hurry.

"How can we help?" She asked.

"Stay right here and protect Lelei. Until she is ready." Rory orders.

She can tell Rory is not in a good mood.

"Why me?" Lelei asked.

"Sharpe said Harry Potter Firestorm," Rory said and dashes off to free more people.

Lelei then looks to her. "Princess, I need you to protect me while I prepare."

She is completely confused about what Rory said. She does not know what Lelei is planning but is not prepared to ask questions. "Right."

As Lelei starts chanting, she turns around and sees her Knights and two Rangers. "We need to protect the mage. Knight into a defense Ring until she is ready." She then looks to the two Rangers, one being the big man Scott and the other being Andrew.

"Rangers pick off the elves. We will be a target staying in one position. Those vines will stop working if you pick off the elves' control them. And the ones who are on the ridge." She orders, hoping they listen

Both Andrew and Scott nod and starts picking elves, covering the Knights.

Happy to see they listen; she looks to her knights sees them cutting down any vines or roots that appear.

She sees Beefeater and Suissesse out alone covering each other backs. She remembers back at her Rose Knight School they were up at the top of the class in their respected areas.

She then sees the Ranger Frost falls from a vine, being freed by Beefeater. Seeing a root popping up from the ground and trying to drag him underground.

She rushes out before it gets the chance. She swings her sword and cuts it in half. However, her blade breaks in half form the attack.

She turns around and helps Frost up.

"Thank you," Frost said.

She nods, accepting the thanks. She then notices he has this tub looking weapons under his rifle. She does not know what it is but remembers seeing it fires an explosion. She then points up to a tree with her half-broken sword. "Ranger, fire your explosion devise high into the trees. That should kill any elf controlling them."

Frost looks around and then back at. "Mam," He then turns around, loading the tube things. He aims and fires. This shell flies and hits this tree. The shell exploding.

Looking back to Panache and Margarita as the defend Lelei, she suddenly sees Lelei start to glow.

She rushes back over to see what is happening.

This large energy glow appears all around her. Her staff glows blue.

When she gets close, she notices Lelei's eyes are not red. "Lelei, are you…"

Lelei looks to her. "You should be running." She said in a cold tone.

She takes a step back hearing that. She sees this fire forming around her staff and sees what is about to happen now. "Everyone falls back! Retreat!"

She looks around, trying to get everyone back, both Knights and Rangers.

Once she feels like she has gotten everyone she looks back to Lelei. She sees fire forming all around Lelei, circling her.

Lelei raises her staff and points it to this tree. A gulf of flame storms the tree, infighting it in complete flames. She moves her staff some more and a trail of fire spreads.

Her eyes widen, never seeing magic like this before. She was told that Lelei has been applying Earth science to magic, but this is beyond what she imagined.

As she watches Lelei burn everything around her, the fire starts spreading uncontrollably. She is scorching everything around her, making trying to burn anything the elves Fay magic could use.

She looks back to Lelei and sees her collops.

She turns around. "I need help here! Scott, get Lelei. Beefeater with me!"

And they all charge forward through the flames as they head to Lelei.

Once they get there, Scott rushes up and picks her up. "Always pushing to the limits. Someone grabs her staff."

Hearing that, she picks up Lelei staff and they all start heading away from here.


Lashin lifts the High Elf up and tosses her onto the ground.

All his work has been for nothing, all because of High Elf. He looks around and sees these flames spreading. They are engulfing all the trees that his people enchanted before the arrival of these Other Worlders.

But he did not expect these Imperial Knights to come with them. He planned extremely hard not to underestimate these people, but it has become clear he did.

He looks back down to the High Elf, seeing why his people look down at her kind. They see themselves all high and respectable, but they just stand aside while others fight. No honor or respect but only get in the way. Now she just ruined his chance for revenge. He was so close to slicing that damn Human girl throat. All he needed was one more second and it would be all over.

"You just had to screw over my people again," He said as he stomps on the High Elf back. She screams in pain. She thought she could fight him but could not even provide a match.

"I was so close to ending it all and you choose them. I will kill you with the arrow you used against me." He said as he pulls out the arrow in his shoulder.

He catches something to his right and backs away.

It is that Human from before, the leader of the group and Selina another father. "And you!"

He backs away and sees that man stop there, besides the High Elf. He sees the man is holding a sword and not one of their strange range of weapons. "The girl told me everything about you. A monster in your world. That is how she sees you."

"Glad she is learning something from her homework." The man said. "Are you ok Tuka?"

Tuka stands up, holding her shoulder. "Yes, Sharpe. He is stronger than he looks."

"Tuka and Sharpe? Interesting." He speaks. "I know of your father Tuka. Hodor Marceau. Do you think he will approve what you have done?"

He can see Tuka glance down, unset. He smiles but then gets angry as Sharpe, walks in front of her.

"You think you on some noble mission Lash or whatever your name is," Sharpe said. "Trying to get vengeance against someone who has nothing to do with this? How do you think this will end? You this think will bring peace to your people?"

"You are not from this world so do not lecture me," He responds, angry that a Human not even from this world speaking to him like this. 'If you just let me do what needed to be done none of this would have happened. Blood must be paid in blood."

"I agree," Sharpe said.

He tilts his head in confusion, not expecting that answer.

Sharpe lowers his sword but keeps his eye on him. "If you killed her, that gives me the right to go to your lands and burn it to the ground."

He looks at him. He notices that was not a question but a threat. What he sees is not a game but truth in his eyes. He never would have thought his people would go that far, based on what has seen with Italica and Elbe. But in this Human eye, he sees that he would go that far. A threat he will back up.

"Revenge only leads down one path elf man. There is no peace once you go down that door. All you have done is made an enemy of the United States and more importantly, you made an enemy out of me." Sharpe said. "Yes, I know who I am. I am a monster in my world, and I choose that life. But the difference is I do not go around kidnapping and murdering children or people who are innocent. I kill people like you, and I am good at it."

Then the roots of this tree come up in front of him and glow green. Rory appears and her weapon smashes right against it, cutting halfway through.

He sees that and turns around. He sees Haoulis standing there, hands together as he chants. He then looks back and sees the fire spreading. "Rory Mercury. I see you have sold your serves to these people. But why are you defending someone who does not worship you?"

Rory jumps back by Sharpe's side. "Do not ever start with me about worship. You changed your god to Palapon. There is no going back for you."

He starts walking backward until he gets to his friend. "Maybe not but our mission is clearer than ever. She is the leader of Edras, regardless if she likes it or not. She carries the spirit of her bloodline and as long as it flows, there will always be a war between our people."

He looks around and sees the forest is catching on fire. He has no idea how this massive firestorm appeared but knows the battle is over. He clenches his fists knowing he was so close but now he understands these people more.

Before leaving pass the ridge, he takes on the last look and sees Selina's new father. While at some distance now, both look directly into each other eyes, speaking the same thing. Its War.

Then the flames spark up and he sees them running away.

"Haoulis," He said. "Gather everyone quickly. We need to head to our other camp as quickly as possible."


--- 4 hours later, en-route to Italica ---

December 15th, 2025

Sarah is sitting in the passenger seat of the main HUMVEE. She looks over to Andrew as he drives.

She takes a deep breath, glad that everything is all over. She cannot believe that this world keeps tossing out new surprises like this.

She hears a loud noise and looks out her window. She sees two PzH 2000 Self-propelled Howitzers from the Italian Army. She notices three more to the left a few minutes ago. All five firing shells into the forest where the camp is.

She then notices HUMVEE in front of them, Randy's one pulls over to the side. Andrew follows suit. This is to allow more Freccias IFVs and Puma 4x4s passing by.

"That is a lot of hardware." Andrew points out in a tired voice.

When she reported to Colonel Robert, he said a Battalion size Italian force is en-route to assist and clear out the forest. He did not want to leave an enemy position so close to Italica.

She already warned the Italian commander, Lieutenant Colonel Alceo Fiocca about Fey Magic and how dangerous these Wood Elves are. That they should bring heavy equipment.

"Yes, it is Corporal." She responds. "But right now, it is not our problem."

"Thank god. Worse leave in my career." Andrew said.

She could not help putting laugh and agree with that. "Don't worry Andrew. She will be there when we get back. Then you two can fuck when you get back."

"That is strange coming from you," Andrew said.

She looks at him confused by that. "Why is that?"

"It is like your mom telling you about sex ED and giving you permission to sleep with your girlfriend. It just feels wired." Andrew explains.

She looks away laughing but enjoying that people see her as the team mother figure. Make sense, half of a mom's job is to keep the father in line. "Would you rather me be all PC about it? Or lecture you about being a gentleman."

"I get your point, sir," Andrew said.

She turns around and investigates the back of the HUMVEE. She sees Lelei sleeping, overdoing it again. Sharpe helps her train in her magic when he can. She is an impressive one.

She then looks over and sees Sharpe sitting there, holding out a tablet. His arm around Selina as she snuggled up against him. Rory on the other side, head on his shoulder. All three with earbuds watching his silly 1980s Transformers. While silly, she knows it is his way of destressing, which has become their way of bonding.

She smiles at the three. She was not there when they first found Selina, but Alicia told her the full story. Based on her description, it looked something like this. It all started like this and it seems sitting it ended like this.

She investigates the back and sees Tuka sitting there, looking out the back window. She was shocked to see Tuka and Grey appear. Both did turn the side in their favor and respect them for that. But she wonders how the Major will handle Tuka, knowing he took it hard when she refused to come.

She turns around and looks forward. "Still. It was great seeing all of us working together. Knights and Rangers. Regardless of what has happened in the past, we do have a future."



(1)Leagues is a unit if length. 1 league = 3 miles or 4.83 kilometers

(2)Nett Warrior (NW)

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS

Special thanks to @Tomrichman with helping with this chapter