V10 - Chapter 118

--- Italica, Next Morning ---

December 16th, 2025

Sharpe opens his eyes and sits up. He places his hand to rub his nose, not getting a good night sleep. He then reaches over and grabs his water container for a quick drink.

He is in the Diplomatic Outpost Alpha at Italica guest room. Normally he would sleep with his troops, but other priorities took present. He knows they would understand why he gave himself some special treatment.

He looks over to his side and sees Selina sleeping right next to him. She is still out cold, and he does not blame her. As she sleeps, he can see the bruise mark around her neck and one visible on her wrist. He already saw the others on her arms and chest for being beaten and tossed around.

On the way back he had the team medic Jerry check her out for serious wounds. The bruises are from them trying to control her rather than torture, not like that is much better. He is only glad there is no permanent damage.

He reaches over and grabs the bed cover. He then pulls it over to her.

He then gets out of bed, having to go meet Colonel Robert Yang and Ambassador Harold Willington, to finish yesterday's conversation about Selina royalty and recent loyalties in his unit. This is not the first time he had to deal with the brass.

This is like when he was summoned to the Pentagon in Washington DC after he botched the Mexican mission. Twelve hours of listening the brass rip him apart. Almost eight years in Delta and all they accomplish just vanished into nothingness.

He could not blame them though. Two Delta operatives butchered like cattle, a local family massacred and then he leads everyone else into an ambush that nearly got everyone killed. Somewhere, somehow, he screwed but and every night in his dreams is a reminder.

The only reason he did not get kicked out of the Army or worse was because of Major General Holland, head of SOCOM. He went out of his way to prevent Sharpe from being Court Marshal. After an intense debate, watching his life work be debated.

In the end, a compromise was made. No one wanted this public and the context of how dangerous the operation was going after the Cartel King. They agreed to toss him into the Rangers until they figure out what else to do with him. Then the Gate appeared, and the rest is history.

He expects something like that to happen here. No one was pleased when they found out that Selina royalty and has been under their noses and he took responsibility for her.

Same with Grey Co Aldo and Tuka Luna Marceau. He is the one in command and he took both under his wing. At the end of the day, their actions are his responsibilities. That is what he will tell the brass and deal with them in private.

As he thinks about that he quickly gets ready and, in the Army, casual uniform.

He turns around and sees her sit up, rubbing her eye. He then sees her looking around and he assumes she is looking for water as she adjusts her pink tank top.

"Morning squirt," He said as he walks over and hands her his canteen of water.

She takes it and nearly drinks it all.

He smirks. "Stay hydrated as much as you can today. Are you hungry?"

She nods as she tries to wake up.

He turns around and leaves the small guest room.

He heads to the building mess hall, which is not fair. When he gets there, he sees Rory at the booth with this plate full of food. "Someone is hungry."

Rory looks over to him and waves. "I just want a snack."

After getting a double-stack pancake with chocolate chips inside them and peanut butter. He then walks over to the table Rory is at and sits down.

"So, you're not afraid that I might bite you?" Rory said as she stuffs her face.

"We both know if you try, I will bite back," He shots back, not letting her control the flow of the conversation. He sees her glare at him while her cheeks turn red.

"I hate you…" Rory said. "How our little Princess?"

"Just waking up, and I think she is taller than you are now." He said as he smirks. He can see her giving him the evil glare.

"I am not short!" Rory says angrily.

"But your cute short," He leans forward and looks at her. "How are you holding up Rory?"

She takes her fork and spins it around. "Well, besides last night adventure. Everything fine. I never thought I would ever get to experience these many fights. You people don't make life boring." She then looks at him, gazing at him. "How are you? You look stressed."

He nods hearing that. "Shoulder feels a bit stiff. I am fine though."

"Well, I think there some private rooms here. I could give you a private message." Roy says with a wink.

He looks directly at her, not fazing for a moment. "Rory. Do you want a back massage?" He sees her nod her head, figuring it was some trap of hers.

He just chuckles. It always amazes him how easy for her to make him laugh.

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Rory asks as she takes another bit.

He grunts hearing that. "I don't know. I don't really feel like doing anything."

He glances up and sees this fork with the pancake on it right in front of his face. Behind it is Rory standing on her tippy toes leaning forward.

"Come on!" Rory says snickering.

He rolls his eyes and takes the bit.

Rory sits back all happy. "Ok, you can tell me how you're feeling Mr. Prime. I know a lot has happened recently. We will do a pinky swear."

He shakes his head hearing that. She has adopted many western habits and he finds it humorous. For some reason, he finds it easy to communicate things to her. Not like she has given him a chance since they met. He thinks that while she is a Demi-Goddess, there for similar then you might expect.

"It's just a lot of things hit at once. I will get over it, just going through the emotions. But I have to say I am overall proud of everyone. That includes the Knights." He said as he reflects on the past few days. "It started as a good day too and then it went downhill. I seriously thought everything was about to happen again."

"I know," Rory said. "I felt it. But it did not so do not worry. Just remember you do not have to bear all that weight. You should not anyway. I don't want to be around a grey-haired man."

He looks at her with an odd reaction but chuckles. "That would be because of you."

He sees her give a negative reaction to that. He learned a long time ago that she enjoys playing those poking games. But he also learned that she cannot receive it, which is something he loves to exploit.

"Anyway," He said. "I know Rory. I just want to say thank you."

He then sees a confused look on her face. "Look Rory. I am glad you are enjoying yourself with us. When the time comes, I am always happy that you are by my side. Having you there right beside me when we sneaked into that camp. I would not have it any other way. Let us leave it at that."

Rory sees that and rolls her eyes blushing. She then reaches out and grabs his hand and pulls it forward. She then kisses his fist. "You are welcome."

He pulls his hand back, not knowing how to respond to that. That is something Sarah did to him a few times and he still does not understand how to react.

"Thank you," He responds and grabs his plate. "I now need to talk to my daughter and get this sorted out. By the way Rory, can I ask a favor from you?"

"Anything Mr. Prime." She says with a laugh.

"That's going to be a thing isn't it?" He asks and sees her nod her head as she takes another bit. "Ok… mind keeping an eye on the brat for me while were in Alnus?"

"I will be happy to. Were all close friends and family." Rory answers. "Lelei and I were going to use the bathhouse and clean up. I will take her with us. I think a bath is just what she needs right now. Would you like to come with us?" She finishes with a wink.

He just looks at her unfazed. "No." He said in a solid tone, completely rejecting it. "The whole open naked bath thing just doesn't fly with me. Because it would not be appropriate, and you know it."

"Men.... fine ok," Rory says with a smile. "I will keep an extra eye on her."

"Thank you," He said. "I feel better hearing that. See you this afternoon."

He heads back to the guest quarters. He is glad he ran into Rory, always someone he could talk about things without threatening the chain of command.

He opens the door and sees Selina still in bed, holding a tablet and watching cartoons. She looks back at him and smiles. "Morning daddy." She says in a tired voice.

"Daddy?" He asks, shocked to hear that. She has either called him Sharpe or Father. He just thought that was how they addressed people in her country.

"If you don't like…"

"It's fine. Just not use to it. Call me whatever you like." He replies and sets down a plate. "I have to go in a minute, but we need to have a quick chat."

He can see on her face that she was expecting this. She does not look happy, more like she is upset with herself.

"I am sorry for not telling you," Selina said as she holds her legs close, holding them. "I just didn't want to lose any of you. I liked how all of you treated me. You didn't treat me special but you also in a way I liked. I don't know how to explain it. I am just sorry. I didn't know…"

He sits down. He can see she is upset about everything. Sarah made some points that were similar to what Selina is saying. What he wants to do is list off all the reasons why everything she did was wrong and how it created unnecessary problems. He wants to talk about responsibility and trust. But it seems she already learned that the hard way.

As he listens, he can tell that is not the right thing to say, not right now anyway. Sarah asked him who he was trying to save before, his daughter Selina or Princess Selina. While he is pissed that she did not tell him that she is royalty, he can see why she didn't. Besides, it does not change anything. She is his daughter and that is all that matter anyway.

"Selina," He said. "I don't care about your title. Nothing has changed between you and me. Everyone else and I are simply happy that you are back and ok. You are my daughter and I love you."

Hearing that he sees that Sarah is right, he is a bit to regimental. That is something he will have to work on. But he sees her smile at him, seeing that insecurity go away.

The last thing he wants is for this to become another black mark on her. He still has past mistakes weighing him down and the last thing he wants is the same burden to happen to her. "How about this. No more secrets between you and me. We do everything together."

She gets up and crawls over to hug him. "I love you. I never lost faith that you would come."

He returns the hug and then stands up. "I love you to Selina. There is no way I would have let them kill you. I know for a fact that my apartment is a mess that you need to clean up."

He sees her lack of response telling him that is true. Teenagers. He rubs her hair, making it more of a mess. "Ok kiddo I have to go to work. Rory is coming over to take you to the bathhouse." He said as he walks away. "By the way, your grounded."

"What does that mean? I can't fly or ever been on one of your flying machines." Selina said confused.

"… well talk about that in Alnus. But for now, on you must be with me, Sarah Rory or Lelei at all times." He said and leaves.


--- Palace Bathhouse ---

December 16th, 2025

Rory walks into the bathhouse. "This place looks nice."

"Thank you, Miss Rory," Maid Kaine said. "Let me take your clothes. I will wash them while you relax."

Lelei walks over. "Thank you, Miss Kaine."

She walks to Selina and wraps her arm around her. "It is nice to be in a bathhouse again. I like Earth and our new place, but everything is so private there."

"You just want to find a way to get dad in here," Selina said as she undresses and hands her clothes to Kaine.

She looks away. Selina is not wrong, being too smart for her own good. She had fantasies of having a private bath time with him. There being wine to get him drunk right there as she 'slips' on him. Then one thing leads to after another. "Shut it."

She thinks of their short morning talk. While it was short, she was thrilled to feel his affection to her. It makes all that work she has been doing in protecting and healing his soul worth it. She is his right-hand woman and knowing that he feels that he can rely on her.

"But the Major won't come in here," Lelei said.

She crosses her arms after hearing that. "Because it is not manly enough for him, so he says! What a boob. That's how you say that right?"

"Yes," Lelei replies. "But I have no idea why they call people that as an insult."

Selina giggles, not understanding Rory's true intent. "You're silly. But how did they do this? There's no spring water here."

Lelei walks in beside her. "That's because the American installed a generator into this bathhouse. To warm up the water like in Alnus. It makes sense diplomatically. Something like this cost them nothing while to the Countess it is a wonder."

She stretches her arms and tosses her towel to this bench. "Whatever you nerd."

Selina looks to her, about to get in the hot bath. "Why did you call her that?"

She places her finger on her lower lip and glances up. "I don't know. I just her Alicia call Andrew and Jackson that all the time."

"I think it means it means a smart person," Lelei said as she tosses her dress on Rory. She then gets into the bath. "Come on Selina. Let us get you clean up."

She feels the dress lands on her. "You are just saying that." But she cannot help but wonder what that word means.

As she gets in the warm bath, she feels comfortable. One of the private pleasures she enjoys from the Other Worlders I'd the heated baths. Falmart had then but they were usually for the Elites. It took a lot of energy and time to warm up a large pool of water. It is something she rarely could enjoy because she hates doing to those places. "Mm… this feels good."

"Then you might like the new one in Alnus," Selina said. "While you all were gone, they have been doing a lot more construction."

She smirks hearing that. "That's great. It is nice not having to use that small one."

"You are so spoiled," Lelei said as she relaxes.

She takes a relaxing breath and looks at Selina. Selina still looks depleted with brushing on her chest and arms. She told Jackson that they beaten when she tried to fight back. Its dose looks like they did not restrain their hatred towards her. "Selina, come here."

Selina moves over and sits there.

"Turn around please." She says with a big smile.

She watches Selina turn around and sit there. She begins washing her hair, thinking about what she must have gone through.

In her nine hundred plus years traveling around Falmart and its islands, she has seen things like this before. One group of people hated another for some reason, usually for a dumb reason in her opinion, when the opportunity arrived things like this happened.

She looks down as she washes her hair. "Selina."

Selina turns her head around. "Yes, Rory?"

"I just want to say you were very brave," She says, trying to cheer her up. "I saw you and you never panic."

"Please don't lie," Selina said. "I was scared and helpless. Again."

Lelei swims in front of both. "Do not sell yourself short. This was preplanned against you. And they were well trained. This could have happened to anyone."

"She is right," She adds. "Let me tell you a story during my early days."

"I think I was about two hundred about eighty-something, I was very arrogant and naive." She begins to say. "I was chasing down this beast who attacked a village, thinking nothing of it. I did not realize the beast was luring me into a trap. Out of nowhere I fell down this pit and got caught into a spider nest. That was not a fun experience."

"How did you get out?" Selina asks.

She thinks back on that event. It was a horrific fight against that giant spider in her home pit. She did not have anyone to come and rescue her. She finally was able to get out of the pit but the village she was trying to protect was destroyed.

Before that day she thought she was unbeatable because she was an Apostle. But then she learned even as an Apostle, you can be vulnerable.

"I had to fight myself out of there," She answers. "I didn't have anyone to come after me. Point is, you are ok, and you were not helpless. There was nothing you could have done."

"Still, you should have told me." She states.

"I am sorry," Selina said. "I didn't know anything bad would happen."

"But why didn't you say something?" Lelei asks. With one hand she forms a large water ball with her magic.

"I already told dad," Selina said with an upset tone.

She can imagine that conversation. She has found Sharpe to be funny, smart, and dumb but the good kind of dumb, caring, fair, trusting, and most of all, very principled. But he also can be regimental, and while she enjoys how he walks his values, it can make it hard to approach.

"Selina, I can understand why you didn't tell Jackson." She said, trying to be fair to her.

"Really?" Selina said, surprised to hear that.

She nods and she starts washing Selina's arms. She sees the dark bruise around her wrists.

Since she first ran into Sharpe, she has been trying to protect his soul. She was able to tell it was broken and vulnerable to Palapon. Out of all these adventures and battles, facing the challenges together. Both on and off the battlefield, she thought she put his beautiful soul back together.

Then those damn elves stole one of the few things he had in his life and almost ruined everything she had worked on. She thinks back to the beginning of the fight and took special enjoyment in killing them.

She then looks back at Selina and remembers something Lord Lashin pointed out. While she always helped people in need, regardless of what god they worship, she never spent this much time around people who worship her competitors.

As she washes Selina, she is glad she is ok. She is a good innocent girl with a bright future, excluding her royal blood.

She takes that back. As a rule, she does not like royalty, she thinks Selina will grow up to be different. She will not lead based on a crown or title but through her heart. Something she thinks this world needs.

"Yes," She responds. "As Sarah said, we girls need to have our secrets. Jackson is a good father to you, but I understand it can be a bit hard to approach. I think the issue is that you did not tell anyone. If you told me or Lelei I think things would have turned out better."

Lelei looks over. "I agree with Rory. You can tell us anything. Then we can talk about it and work things out. If Sharpe needs to get involved, then we can do it together."

"I just didn't want to be treated differently. Everyone here has been so nice and warm. I enjoyed the love and I thought if I said who I truly was then all of that would disappear." Selina said.

"Don't be silly," She said. "We are family. We have each other backs."

She then swims around and moves in front of Selina. She places her hand on Selina's cheek and makes sure she is looking at her. "For now on, please tell me everything. I do not care that your god is different, I will protect you. We are all sisters."

She sees Selina smile, feeling the love. She is about to say something but out of nowhere this large blob of water lands on both of their heads.

She turns around and sees Lelei smirking a little.

"Sorry," Lelei said.

Right then all three of them giggle.

After a moment, Selina moves over a little, grabbing a washcloth. "I do want to say thank you for coming for me. No one has done that for me before. Thank you."

"You don't have to say that," She said as she looks back at her. "Just don't hide anything like that before. And remember the new rules."

For now, Selina must be with either her or Lelei while we are at the base. Of course, both agree but she did notice he didn't say Tuka.

She has been thinking about Tuka on the ride back and all morning. The fact she abandoned right when Selina needed her when everyone needed her. She saw it in Sharpe's eyes, it nearly broke him. However, Tuka did come in and turned the tide.

Right now, Selina does not know what happened with Tuka and she decided to let Sharpe hand it, being the one in charge. She likes Tuka and felt bad for her people, but can she trust her for being there when the time comes?

Lelei looks over to Selina. "So, you are a Princess? That is interesting."

"I don't want to be. Besides, how am I? I don't have a country to be a Princess of." Selina answers.

"Selina," Lelei said. "You don't want to live your life as a lie. This is part of you and there's nothing wrong with that."

"But…" Selina tried to say.

She is starting to see an issue with Selina's mindset. She is trying to run away from everything and be something new. But she learned long ago to truly come into yourself you must embrace yourself.

"Miss Bookworm here is correct," She butts in. "You are Princess Selina. But that doesn't mean anything has to change. It is a part of you, but you are who you wish to be." She can see the strange look on her face. "At least that is what your Jackson says all the time. Which I agree with."

"But I don't want the title," Selina said. "And father said titles do not matter."

"You need to be careful with that," Lelei counters. "Remember, he has a military title called Major. The difference is that he doesn't let it control him."

She agrees with that Lelei said, glade she made that point. She swims back over to Selina and starts washing her up again. "Lelei is correct. Do you see what Jackson is doing with Princess Pina?"

"She is becoming a rebel soldier," Selina said and then starts thinking on it more.

She can see Lelei is about to say something, but she stops her. "Did you notice she was there too?"

Selina nods her head as she thinks. "Well, in the beginning, Pina moved around like she was the king. She thought her title gave her special status. But then learned that it couldn't solve her problems."

She smiles, deciding not to torment her anymore. "Correct. What I am trying to explain is that while she is still a Princess like you, she doesn't use it. She is her own woman now. You don't have to let it define you. You can be who you are."

"When I became an Apostle, I learned to make it a part of me," She adds. "Took longer than it should but it is ok. And we all are here to help."

Selina looks at her and then at Lelei. She takes a deep breath as she tries to figure out things. "Lelei, that fire spell was pretty cool."

She looks to Lelei. "Yeah, good job. I don't think they were expecting that."

Lelei looks to them and smiles. "Thank you. All that training and reading those books paid off. But I keep running into this problem when I try merging their science with magic."

"That is?" She asks, confused.

"It depletes my mana much faster than I expect," Lelei said. "Magic is only as powerful as how well you understand it. Because they understand the world more, I been able to learn how the world works. That has allowed me to do spells I never thought I could, just because I understand it. But I just burn myself out so quickly."

"Knock it off," She says as she splashes Lelei. "You are learning new things. It will take time to find a way to properly merge the two. Hey, been trying to merge magic with their technology and are struggling."

"That is true. I just think I should be farther along than I am." Lelei said.

"Alright, ladies. Let's hurry up. We have that movie thing in the main hall today," She said.


--- Italica Palace, afternoon, set up conference room ---

December 16th, 2025

Sarah is sitting down in the front row of the conference room. Right beside her is Princess Pina.

When she came in, she saw everyone here. The Major wanted everyone to meet here for a movie, watching the Hobbit.

Besides the Rangers and Knights, both maids who helped saved Selina were invited but only Persia wanted to him. However, she thinks it for alternative motives.

Hamilton walk-ups. "Princess, is there anything I can get you?"

"For the last time Hamilton, I don't need anything. Go sit down until you recover." Pina said.

"As you command Princess," Hamilton says with a short bow. But she places her hand on her wounded side. She then walks away and sitting down by Andrew.

She looks back to Pina finding that conversation strange. She has forgotten that they grew up in a different culture. However, she has noticed that none of the other Knights address her like that. "Princess-."

"Please, call me Pina," Pina corrects. "I think we had enough Princess for a bit."

She chuckles from that, agreeing with that statement. "Pina, I was just wondering. Why does Hamilton address you in that manner while no one else does?"

Pina places her hand on her chin and thinks. "I almost forget that you don't have the same customs as we do."

"I meant no offense; I was just curious." She replied.

"None taken," Pina said and looks at her. "All Rose Knights came from a noble house. The girls like Bozes, Nikolasha, Panache, Shandy came from the most elite of households. Everyone else came from lesser houses. However, Hamilton doesn't come from a house. My father assigned her to be my servant when I was young. So, growing up she served me very well." As she finishes, she reflects on that last part.

She can see Pina thinking twice about that. While she cannot imagine being assigned a servant. "But she seems to care deeply for your wellbeing."

Pina crosses her arms. "I know what you are thinking, I get it from the Major all the time. You think less of me, but it has been a custom of my country for centuries. But yes, out of everyone Hamilton has been my most loyal servant and friend. I am glad that she has found something that is hers. Norma always said that she would be the perfect wife."

She leans forward and looks down. She sees Andrew sitting there talking about something. She then sees a deck of cards, looks like Magic the Gather Cards. Besides Hamilton, she sees Selina and Lelei there. It looks like he is explaining the game.

Then Pina leans forward and sees what she sees. Both lean back and then giggle from the sight.

"I agree," She replies. "They are cute together. Shows we can work together."

"Do you know when the Major coming? He said to be here by noon." Pina asks.

"I don't know," She replies. "I think the meeting is going longer than expected." She finishes in an uneasy tone. She knows the meeting probably is not going to be fun. The military does not like surprises.

"You people love your meetings," Pina points out. "They wouldn't be mean to him? It was not his fault. I should have said something beforehand."

"Na, you did nothing wrong," She said. "You had no idea the true intentions and he knows it. We both know you were not trying to make a scene out of something. Good intentions."

"…well sometimes I feel like all I do is make life harder for him. That it might be easier on him that we never met." Pina said. "Sometimes it seems I never can meet the standard."

She shakes her head. "Don't think that. To be honest you haven't made life easier for him but that doesn't matter."

She then points to Rory with her thumb. "You think she makes it easy on him?"

Pina leans forward and sees Rory is dominating in a four vs one wrestling match against Randy, Beefeater, Jalin, and Alicia. "…not at all… I see your point."

She looks at Pina and smiles. "After Italica, he told me about you. That he saw you as a younger self of him when he first enlisted. Very driven and very idealistic."

Pina smiles hearing that, but her eyes widen. "Wait… what do you mean by that? I thought he was very idealistic now."

"That's what I said," She replies with a giggle. "Still. Besides the peace treaty issue, you have earned his respect. Especially after helping out with Selina."

She sees Pina smile at that. She knows that Pina has been working hard to get that respect and meet that standard that Sharpe sets. "Pina, mind answering this question?"

"What is it?"

"Correct me if I am wrong but it seems like the Empire doesn't allow women in places of power. Well, that has been my experience so far. Even Krysist judged me because I did not have a dick(1)," She said, leaning closer to Pina, wanting to keep the conversation private.

Pina nods, knowing what she is talking about. "Yes. I cannot speak for the peasants but female roles in decision making and warfare are limited. Most of us were meant to just be married to other Kingdoms and nobles' houses. Or we manage the domestic duties of our houses and the Empire."

"Sounds like my planet history," She responds with an eye roll chuckle. "So afraid of our opinion, even though were ninety-nine percent always right."

"Only ninety-nine?" Pina asks, enjoying the joke.

"Yes," She responds with a giggle. "I would have said a hundred, but I refuse to admit that my sister is right about which Backstreet Boys is cuter."

Pina giggles even though she does not fully understand the reference. "But I always wanted to serve my country and one day when I was twelve, I saw this play about female warriors. It was just a story, but it inspired me to start this Knighthood. My father and brothers thought it was a joke, but he granted permission." She said and thinks on that some more. "Now that I think about it, I think he did that knowing that it would keep me away."

"That's horrible," She responds.

"It is fine," Pina said. "I was far more hot-headed back then. Anyway, so I started this school. Everyone you see joined expect for Hamilton. I somewhat forced her to join but anyway… that is pretty much it. We trained and trained, waiting for the day to prove ourselves. That day came when your people came here."

She nods and glances away. "Has it been hard on you all? You are pretty much exiled, wanted for dead by your people."

"Honestly," Pina said. "It has not been as hard as you might think for most of us. I think the difference between the Empire and your people has shaken some old traditions. As I said, most of us were just going to be married off like pones. The duty of a noblewoman. The ones who hurt the most have been Panache and Bozes."

"Panache is confident but enjoys a high society life. She does believe in the core ideals of the Empire and thinks your ways make people weak, but she is here more out of loyalty to me. I do think she is warming up though." She explains. "Bozes, on the other hand, has gotten used to you people. The issue is that her family disowned her, and her family are powerful within the Empire."

She leans forward and looks towards the back. She sees the yellow hair woman Bozes in the back. To her surprise sitting next to Charles Johnson. They seem to be having a nice conversation.

Part of her job is keeping a record on the wellbeing of the unit. That means she pays far more attention to patterns and she has noticed more and more of the unit getting closer to people of this world. That's probably Sharpe's fault, being a bit relaxed on those subjects. It does not bother her, but it might be an issue down the road if things go to fare and if babies are being made.

"I am surprised that you are ok with your people getting friendly with mine," She said.

Pina looks at her confused. "Why is that a problem? Are relationships forbidden in your world? You allowed those two to get close. And I have seen that one Ranger, Bailey I think with that Warrior Bunny."

She nods her head thinking. "We try to stay professional. You cannot fight wars pregnant. But things have gotten lax."

"... you people are strange. Even professional soldiers are Humans. When you send armies thousands of leagues away from their homes, away from their families for years. What else do they have?"

She thinks about what Pina said. She remembers reading in his history books that armies traditionally brought families with them, serving as logistical support. That was still a thing up until the American Civil War. She finds it interesting how different how daily life is between both worlds. Like it's walking into a textbook and seeing it with your own eyes.

"I think the nature of war has changed for us. But I do see your point. First war on another world, maybe it is good was creating roots here. Maybe that's what the brass wants." She thinks.

She leans back and about to continue with the conversation, but the door opens. She sees Sharpe walk in and stop at the center. The room automatically goes quiet, waiting to hear what he has to say.

"Good afternoon everyone. I am sorry that I am late," Sharpe said. "I want to say great job everyone. I know most of us had not had much of a chance to get some proper rest since taking Legrath. Because of this, our leave has been extended by three days once we get back to Alnus. That will be at 0500 hundred tomorrow."

As he talks, she sees Pina leaning closer to her.

"Does he ever smile?" Pina whispers.

She looks to her, understanding why she asked that. "He does, usually when he is off duty and the girls grab him around."

"The girls?" Pina asks.

"Rory, Lelei, Selina, Tuka. Just a nickname we gave them." She responds.

"Am I boring you two?" Sharpe asks.

She looks back at him and sees him looking directly at both. "Shit…" She thinks to herself.

"No sir, just telling her that you do smile. My fault." She said, taking a breath.

To her and everyone shock, she watches Sharpe look away and walk out of the room, saying nothing. "What just happened?" She asks herself. She knows he has been under a lot of stress, but this is not normal for him.

"Everything ok Sarah?" Pina asks, shocked too.

"I have no idea," She responds. "He usually enjoys jabs like that. Maybe he's more upset than I thought."

"Why would he be upset?" Pina asks.

"There are some changes coming in our force structure. He was supposed to get a promotion as part of it. After what happen with Selina, Grey, and Tuka, there no chance that happening now. But I didn't think that would have mattered to him." She whispers. She then looks around and sees Tuka in the back. If she was kicked out of the team, she wouldn't be here.

But then Sharpe walks back into the room and stand right in the same spot as before.

She looks at him and sees this serious look on him.

But then Sharpe turns around and puts something on his face. He then turns around, wearing sunglasses and this half-ass smiley face that was quickly cut out of paper around his mouth. "Is this better?"

The room is dead quiet for a moment but then everyone bursts out laughing from the silly sight. She could not help herself and laugh, which is hurting her chest. That is one reason why she loves him. "Boys…"

"Why do you have sunglasses on? We are inside." Andrew asks.

Sharpe looks over to him. "Because it is dark in here. How else am I supposed to see?"

"I am assuming he is lying about that?" Pina asks.

"Now you are getting it," She responds as she shakes her head.

"Sharpe, take that off."

Sharpe looks over to her. "I think I like it. I don't have to put the effort into smiling now. That is extra energy to be lazy with. Might even get DARPA to look into the idea."

She hears some more chuckles coming from the back. She takes a happy breath, enjoying the mood. "Take it off or I will get Rory to take it off for you."

Rory stands up and points at him. "I am fine with that."

Sharpe takes the fake smiley face and glasses off. He then waves Selina forward with his fingers. "In like to give the floor to Selina. It was her idea to do this."

Selina walks up beside him and then looks at everyone. "I want to say think you all for your help. Both Rangers and Knights. I would not be here if it wasn't for all of you. I love you all."

She hears people clapping and celebrating from that. It was not anything fancy, but everyone can tell it came from the heart.

"Selina," Sharpe said.

Selina walks back to her seat but the came back, holding a box wrapped in duct tape.

Sharpe then looks to Pina. "Princess Pina Co Lada, please present yourself."

She looks to Pina and sees the confused look on her face. Pina stands up and walks to were Sharpe and Selina at.

Pina stands there.

"Pina and your fellow Knights. I was not able to get everyone one, but I hope this shows my gratitude for all your people's work. Selina." Sharpe said.

Selina walks up and hands her the box. "You will need a knife. Its duck tape. It is made from cute swimming birds with strange color flat feet."

Her eyes widen hearing Selina say that. She looks at Sharpe and sees him glancing away, acting all innocent. "Selina, you know that isn't true right?"

"I know," Selina replies. "Dad told me that and I like it. Besides, Pina doesn't… or didn't know that."

Hearing that, she rubs her nose, knowing that us something she picked up from her father. Such a bad influence.

Pina pulls out her knife and cuts the duct tape. She then opens it and pulls out this paper crown. But it is not just any crown but the Burger King crown.

All the Rangers in the room start to laugh after seeing it.

"Yeah, you told me what happened to your last crown. I can't afford to buy a replacement, but I figured this might be ok." Sharpe explains.

Pina puts it on and looks up at Sharpe. "You people are strange. But thank you."

"Strange means good in my book," Sharpe said. He looks back at everyone as she sits down.

"Sorry for the delay everyone. You can blame First Lieutenant Sarah Rose for that." Sharpe said.

"Damnit…" She mumbles, chuckling.

"I figured this will be a good relaxing time for us all. An activity together, where no one can sneak in here and pull some more BS." Sharpe said. "None of you have to say here if you don't want to. But we will be watching all three parts of The Hobbit."

She smiles hearing that. He asked her this morning to set up a makeshift theater room for this. He wanted to show the Lord of the Rings, but she convinced him it would be better to start with the prequels.

"I figured everyone would like these. It is set in a magical world like Falmart and it leads into the greatest trilogy of all time, Lord of the Rings."

Hamilton raised her hand. "What's Lord of the Rings."

Sharpe looks at her and shakes his head. "How on earth do you not know of Lord of the Rings? Even the North Korans know about it."

"Because we're not on Earth?" Hamilton counters before Andrew stops her.

Shake shakes his head and looks back. "I have just lost all faith in Humanity. Let's begin."

Sharpe goes sit down and the projector starts, showing the first of three films.


As the third film begins, Sarah looks over to Pina and sees her eyes widen with fear. The film starts with the dragon Smaug burning down Lake Town, killing hundreds.

"Dragons can talk?" Pina mumbles, wondering if there are dragons like Smaug on her world. Bigger and scarier than the Flame, Water, and Ice Dragons.

She must admit, Sharpe knows how to read the mood. Everyone seems to be enjoying the films so far. The Rangers loving this stuff while the Knights and the Girls able to understand the context of the story. Everyone can relate.

She looks over to Sharpe who is sitting beside her. Selina is on the other side of him, holding onto his arm as she eats popcorn. Rory sitting down in front of him by his legs. It was cute, she got scared that the Dwarves were going to die at the end of the first film.

She leans forward so she can whisper to him. "How did it go?"

"Fine," He replies.

"Fine?" She asks, knowing that is bull. "So, you still got the promotion?"

"Promotion?" He asks.

"I know everything before you," She said.

"When we get to Alnus I will make an announcement on what's going on. I got the command but not the promotion." He says. "But that doesn't bother me. It's the politics of it."

"Well, I am sorry," She said. She feels bad about that. She knows he has worked hard to make sure both worlds can work together. There is no peace of we cannot figure out a way to live together.

"Don't be," He responds. "To my surprise, the ambassador was incredibly supportive. I think he has something planned for us."

"I know he trusts your senses on the ground," She said. "But what about Selina."

"The Colonel said we will talk about it at Alnus. When everyone more relaxed." He says.

"Make sense. Everyone pretty out of it." She asks. "Tuka and Grey?"

"They're under my command and no one gets in between that," He said.

"And they just accepted that?" She asks, surprised by that answer.

"Yup," He said. "I will be talking to them both privately."

"What are you going to say?" She asks.

"Don't take it the wrong way but that's between them and me." He says.

She understands. He does not want any more drama within the unit and doesn't want to make this more of an issue then it needs to be. But she likes how even though they kind of screwed him, he did not throw them under the bus.

She looks back to the movie but then lightly places her hand on his. To her excitement, he grabbed it and held hands as everyone watches the film.



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

(1)Chapter 90

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS