Punishment Part 2

   Fox followed Andel to the penthouse floor of the girl. Then he observed the guy that Andel is shaking hands with. He's tidy and a little obsessive-compulsive. Fox looked closely and didn't see any flaws. He looked too perfect then he diverted his direction to Andel who grabbed Ellen inside telling the man to come on. 


   Andel offered a seat to the guy and Ellen wanted to cling to the guy but Andel told her to bring him something to drink. So, she did and Andel sat down in front of Seth and frowned. 

"What do you do?" He asked. 

"I own small cruise business." 

"Oh." Andel nodded then looked, Ellen. "You are not going out with that dress." He said strictly. 

"Why?" Ellen frowned. 

"Don't question me, little girl." He grabbed her inside her room and make her sit then he started rummaging in the wide walk-in closet. 

"Hey, why do you I have to change clothes? I already planned this dress to wear." Ellen crossed her arms.