Fancy Lover Part 1

   Moira moved a little and feel suffocated from the clingy and possessive Alpha Male behind her. She wanted to pee badly and he's hugging her tightly. She used all her force to unclasped from him. He let her go and she slipped off from the bed and walk to the bathroom, bowlegged and naked. 

   She sat comfortably on the warm toilet seat and sighed as finally, all the urine flows out. Alanis didn't even stop making love to her last night and it was a real punishment for her. She washed and stood. Then she went to the sink to wash her face. 

   She stopped suddenly looking at the mirror. She got lots of hickeys on her neck and chests and her globes. She clenches her fist and wanted to beat up Alanis. She put her bathrobe on and stormed out to the bed and show him the red hickeys. 

"Why are you so stupid?!" She scolded him. 

"What? It looked dashing on you. Fancy." He smiled and lay sideways, his elbow propped on the bed and he looked like a Greek God.