Stalker Part 1

   Andy woke up in her husband's arms. She touched the baby gloves that he's holding. Her heart melted. It feels like they lost their baby just yesterday and he's comforting her. Maybe it's okay that it happened. That he left her so they could have a space for each other. They are aren't strong enough for each other but now… on what happened—it makes her stronger. 

   Zach is snoring a little and shove his face more to her nape. She held his hand where he's clutching the baby gloves and kisses it. 

"Zach?" She calls. 


"It's holiday… let's go to the park." 


   He didn't get up and just hold her. Andy couldn't help but to smile and feel alive. She's alive and he's with her. They might be obsessed with each other, but she loved him so much. 

"Hubby, we have to get up." 

"Just a little moment."