Stalker Part 2

   Zach put his arms around his baby sister and then suddenly Percy and Andrew popped up and started kissing their baby sister. Ellen frowned at them and punched their hard abdominals one by one. 

"So, who are you dating?" Andrew asked and throw his arms to Percy. 

"Well… no one." Ellen lied. 

"How about that Seth?" Zach asked. 

"We are just friends." 

"We will eventually know who you are dating. And, the guy should have a long access control before he gets your hand." Percy said.

"Don't be stupid." Ellen flushes as she thought of Andel and his sexy voice and sexy body. 

"How's your restaurant?" Zach asked and kissed her temple. Ellen wrapped her arms around Zach's waist. 

"I am opening another branch and I already asked someone to help." 

"That's good. I'll help you with others." Percy offers. 

"I'll call you when I need your help. Come on guys, treat me with something delicious."