Chasing Part 1

   Andromeda exhales as she stayed outside the old house where her mother stayed for years. She won't know about the house that's why she never visit it. Only her father and mother lived there when they were young. Well, it's time for them to see each other. So, she waited outside inside her car where her bodyguards are. 


   Fiona shuddered. Although she wanted to hug him, kiss him and hold him tightly, it still breaks her heart that it takes time for him to realize that she wasn't the woman he thought that his wife. 

"Fiona, my love." 

"No." She pushed him and was about to run away but Aaron is fast and strong that he hold her again and turn her around to him. She made sure that her half-face is covered. 

"Fiona, what happened?" He was suddenly afraid. Fiona is worried that he might step back and when he sees her hideous face.