Chasing Part 2

   Andromeda stepped out from the car as her husband is waiting on the staircase to their main double door. She smiled at him and Zach reached her face and kissed him. She hugged him tightly and purred like a cat. 

"Did you have fun?" He patted her head. 


"How's your wrist?" 

"Just fine." She jumped on him. Her legs wrapped around his waist. "Dad can handle mom." 

   Zach brought her to their dining room, and they ate their dinner as they talked at each other. She was the humorous one and Zach just loved listening to her although she ate in a very ungraceful way. 

They went upstairs and he helped her get undress, take a warm shower, dry her and take her to bed. 

   Zach sighed as he watched her cuddle on her pillow. He will never get tired of her. He slipped on the comforter and turned off the lights. He hugged her from behind and kissed her shoulders.