Chasing Part 3

   Fox watched as a car pulled out from the house. After he left, he waited for a minute then, he sneaked inside, avoiding all the securities. He rolled on the grass and use his cockroach bugs to enter the house. He hid in the bush and started controlling them. 

   Andel and Moira create these cockroaches and he never thought that it's a big use. He continued using the bugs until one had found an entrance. He grounded the security alarm and put it on silence mode. Fox looked around and then, climb up the house to the balcony. He pitched the lock and entered. He looked around the master's bedroom and turned on his night vision glasses. 

   He looked around the room and it smelled like sex. Or the man's semen. He clicked the side button of his glasses to make it transparent and he turned on his flashlight and his eyes widen to see a person lying on the bed. But it's not moving. Was it a dummy doll? 

   He moved closer and his eyes widen.