Chasing Part 4

   Nicholas drove in the middle of the night to the Mansion as he whistled a wedding song. He was smiling all the way, thinking about the love of his life, Andromeda. He waited outside the subdivision for Mondragon's car pass. At that moment nothing passed but cars from other houses. 

   Nicholas checked his phone and watched Andromeda's sexy photos on the beach. And there are old photos of her in Greece. His shaft is getting hard and there are photos of her sleeping beside Zachary, his hands cupped on her breasts for it not to be shown in photos. And there are photos of them in bed, his hand covering her breasts and she looked like laughing in the photos while they are in the bed. 

"My dear, Andromeda. We will be together, and you will be happier with me than Zachary. I am so sure of that." He zoomed in to her face. He glanced outside and then he started cropping Zach's face putting his face on it. "That's better." He smiled. 
