The Woman in My Dreams Part 1

   Fox turned to the side of the bed and breathed heavily. His mind and his heart, felt like have been hit by a super typhoon. The dream kept on going and going. It was beautiful and passionate. What is wrong with him? Why does he feel this way? The woman was from his dream, yet it felt so real that it makes his heartache. 

   In his dream, she was on top of him, his arms around her as they listen to the strong wind and rain. They are on the island and enjoying the scenery when suddenly a storm came. 

"I was quite afraid of the strong wind. But it seemed like you are enjoying it." She speaks her voice is soft and alluring. 

"Cold weather is good for cuddles and lovemaking." He reached her down there and kissed her forehead. "Does it sore?" He asked. 

"Not at all." She caressed his chest. 

"Are you sure? Am I not too powerful? I nearly break you." He said softly kissing her forehead.