The Woman in My Dreams Part 2

   He watched as the rain is getting stronger outside. He answered Andromeda's call and she only gave him schedules to do the operation regarding Nicholas and this big syndicate. They had captured a few members that are taking children to sell their organs. 

   Andromeda already sent him details on where the syndicate usually had an operation. He read it until it all sink in his mind. He sat down on the sofa and close his eyes and when he opened his eyes, the woman is on top of him smiling. Her hair falls perfect that smelled like jasmine and honey. 

"Okay, so, I was wondering about making babies?" She grinned at him. He reached her soft hair. 

"Darling, I can't take care of you while you are pregnant. I will be away for a long time." 

"It's fine. As long as you go back to me."