Start of Something New Part 1

   It's 2020 and she should start something new. Andromeda is walking in the hall of her facility and glance at the screen that shows the Top Agents for the whole year. She stopped and watched those people rise using her company. She sighed with a big thought. She saw them already. They are a great team, but are they loyal to her? Or they may be loyal to someone inside her company. 

   People might've thought about what's on her mind at that moment. She pressed her lips and strode back to her office. Then she called her secretary to send a message to the Top Agents to meet her in her own office. 

   With that time, she will understand them more. She smirked and she clicked the button to change the setting of her office and the important documents and switch had been changed to a complete wall and few paintings. 

   Her phone started ringing and the ringtone indicates that it's her husband. She answered it with a smile. 
