Start of Something New Part 2

   Ellen glanced at Andel as he put his coat on ready to leave for work. She insisted him to make love to her before he left and so, she's still in bed and couldn't move. He already cooked her breakfast and prepared her bath. 

   She felt so sad that their vacation has ended. He fixed his tie and strode to her. He kissed her forehead. 

"Have a great day, my baby girl." 

"You too, my big bear." She grabbed his hand and put it over her forehead. "I'm sick, can you not go to work?" She pouted at him. 

   He put his bag over the mattress and scooped her face. She pouted even more and sniffled. 

"Oh, tsk. How about this," He kissed her forehead. "I'll go home early as I could, and we could watch Netflix or anything you wanted?" 

"I don't want anything else but you." She told him.