The Stranger Part 1

   James grunted as he runs to the left side and bat another ball using his tennis racket. He never expected that Moira could be so fast in tennis. He didn't hit the last ball and he held on her knees and looked at him. She only got few sweats while he's showered with his own sweats. 

"How could you?!" He scolded her. 

"What?" She asked and put the rocket over her shoulder. "We are just starting yet your already beat up. Where is this stamina you are calling?" She asked. 

"How many times are you having sex every week?" He asked as he stood straight. 

"Well." She thought for a while and calculate it. She had sex with him at least every night and early in the morning. So that's two times a day and it would depend if he would want it when the sun is up. "I think it depends, 14 times a week, I guess." She told.