The Stranger Part 2

   Moira exhaled and face the naked Alanis. Sweats on his abdominal and neck. His lower part is still standing though he had finished inside her. She reached the water from the table and sipped on it. 

"Enough rounds today," she told him. "My legs are tired from standing." 

"We aren't done yet." he grinned and gripped on her hips. He kissed her naked nape and her shoulders. 

"Tsk. Alanis, I am going to tie you in bed." She grabbed his wrists and pushed him down on their four-poster bed. She reached a handcuff and caught his wrist and handcuff him to the four-poster bed.

   Alanis pouted at her and make an adorable face but it does not affect her. She strode to the bathroom and take a long shower then she put her pajamas on and lay on the sofa ignoring him.