Unconditionally Part 1

   Selina ticked her lover to his sides and it woke him up. She giggled and straddle on him as she leaned her ear to his chest. He cuddled his fingers to her hair and kissed the top of her head. 

"So, what's up?" He asked. "Are you tired?" 

"Hmm. Not really. But I am hungry." 

"Don't worry. I'll ask for food." He rolled over her and kissed her nose then he reached the telephone and dial for a restaurant. He checked the menu and take orders as what she wanted, after that, he cuddled to her more. 

"Fin, you said something a while ago." She sat up and looked at him with a serious face. She just looked so adorable that Fin couldn't help but smile and caressed her hair and then her brows down to her lips. 

"What do you want to hear?" He asked. She pouted at him and pointed his chest. He caught her hand and placed it to his chest. "I love you, Selina."