New Assistant Part 2

   She reached the towel and gave it to her boss then she kept scrolling on her iPad to see the latest update about their company. Moira is holding a big responsibility in the company. She even got control over PR. She's making sure that the update about the company is quiet and the updates should be all about their latest advertisement. 

"Water." She gave him the big tumbler and when he sipped on it, he coughs. "I put lemon and honey on it." She murmured. "Sorry." 

"It's fine." He told. "It tasted good." 

"It's also good for your health." She said and turned back from him. 

   He exhaled and looked up at the ceiling. 

"You are killing me." He murmured. She turned around him and looked at him with a big question. He glanced at the clock. It's already six and they need to have a little dinner at eight.