Blossom Part 1

          Andromeda woke up in the middle of the night. The vision of her brother and a woman in a very hot scene in bed is making her uncomfortable. But something odd is in the room. She tilted her head and then scratched her chin. What was it? She didn't see it well, but the silhouette is very familiar. Was it a Samurai holding a katana ready to kill them?

         She reached her phone and call her brother. He's not answering and in few rings, a woman answered it.

"Good Morning, Miss Andy, Uhm, Mr. J is currently in the meeting."

"Who is this?"

"It's Natasha, Ma'am. His new assistant. He's currently in the shower getting ready for work." She sounded very respectful and professional.

"How is he?"

"Last night he got cramps from his left leg. It lasted for 15 minutes and he's fine now."

"Okay. Thank you." She hung up and glanced at her husband that is now ready to go.