Dragon Squad Part 2

   Andel escorted the old man and the kid outside the house. Then a car with a dragon emblem in the very front stopped and Andel opened it. Sabrina is driving wearing a mask and she kept tapping her fingers on the steering wheel as Andel helped them inside. 

"Sorry, babe!" he muttered. "She will bring you to your new residence. Don't worry, Natasha will be with you soon." 

   He closed the door and run to the woods as Sabrina drove it away. He stood behind Fin with his back on him while he's setting his gun and making sure that there's no evidence left in the scene. It didn't take long when they drive away. 

"Uh, who are you?" The old man asked Sabrina. She didn't say a thing and only use sign language to communicate with them. The old man nodded and held his grandson's hand. 
