The Secret Love Song Part 1

         Allona is staring at nowhere as she listened to a woman singing a song of Secret Love Song that become a hit song three years ago. She hated it that she partially can't relate. Because Zach loved someone else and she wasn't his mistress.

         Damn it. She doesn't care how Zach pushed her away. Although he told her many times to stay away yet she kept coming closer to that fire. She's obsessed and it's driving her crazy when she can't see him. The kiss was good, and it will be very passionate if Andromeda didn't enter the scene.

         She drove to her hotel room, just in front of his room. She hated it when she thought that Andromeda is making love to the man of her life. She wanted to sabotage her. Then she thought for a while. How about killing her then?

         She entered her room and then strode to the bathroom, removing her clothes and checked her reddish left cheek where Andromeda hit her.