Secret Love Song Part 2

         The sun is so bright and good for tanning. Even the breeze of the sea is soothing. Allona is sitting from the balcony, wearing her black shades.

They looked so romantic and like a newlywed or maybe a new couple from other people's perspectives. But whatever it was she wanted them to be separate. She watched as Andromeda clung into him. Zach is laughing from whatever she said, and he kissed her nose. She stared at them long and she started dreaming that it was her.


         Andy twirled around while he's holding her hand.

"Let's do the couple-yoga." She said.

"Hmm. Yeah." He looked around and then he nodded. Andy jumped into him and started kissing his face. He held her butt and then squeezed it. Then he kissed her more. "So, are we going to do that yoga or maybe go back to our hotel room and make love?"