Daddy Fin Part 1

     Fin left Freya from the cliff where he poured his grandfather's ashes. He drove back to his home where the love of his life is waiting for his arrival. He passes from the flower shop and he stopped by for a while and pick the beautiful daylily. He asked the person to seal it into a box and he drove back home.

     She's already waiting at the door wearing a robe. He smiled at her and gave her the box. She was about to kiss him, but he stopped her.

"I should take a shower first. There are lots of viruses outside. I don't want you to get sick."

     She was taken aback. He didn't hold her yet.

"Come, baby." He didn't hold her hand. He started removing his gloves and she followed him. He took a quick shower and when he came out, he kissed her lips lightly. "I don't want to ruin your makeup. I'll go put that gorgeous tuxedo."