My Valentine Part 2

         Freya folded her yoga mat and removed her sports bra and panty shorts, tosses it to the laundry basket and reached the bottle of water from the counter table. The door opens and she listens to quick footsteps. She knew those footsteps. Then the removal of shoes and calling of her pet-name.

"Babe!" Steven came with paper bags and when he saw her, he nearly dropped the paper bags. He gulped and his throat dries.

         She rolled her eyes and reached the towel and put it on.

"No!" He quickly put the paper bags on the counter table and looked at her from head to toe. Her hair is a little messy and she's sweating. Great! She just finished her exercise and it's time for the second laps of exercise.

"I am not in the mood!" She scolded him since she already read his dirty mind.

"Well, I am in good appetite." He removed his shirt and went to the sink to wash his hand and forearms. She rolled her eyes and sipped on the water.