My Valentine Part 3

    She kept on clicking the pen that she's holding until it satisfied her. She sighed and glared at the time and then at the door of their master's bedroom. She shook her head and stood then she strode to door out from their room to his office. She knocked and entered to find Alanis busy with whatever he's doing and across him is his Female Secretary. 

    He was too focused on his documents. He looked up at her and smiled. 

"Yes, Love?" He asked. 

"Uhm nothing. I am just checking on you and checking if you are still sleepy." She said a little sarcastic, but he didn't find it mocking. 

"I need to finish a few of these. Be with you soon." 

"Hmm." She glanced at the calendar and then looked back at him. "Is it alright if I go with my friend tomorrow for shopping or whatever?" 

"Yeah, sure." He nodded and continued with his work.