Day for Love Part 1

   Fin woke up early, kissed his lover and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He stretches and went downstairs to prepare breakfast for his lover. He cooked his special breakfast bundle for her and their baby. She said that she loves the smell of vanilla in pancakes. She also loves the pancake as a sandwich for bacon and egg with additional cheese. 

   He also makes macaroon soup and smoothies. He platted it well and then ran out to the garden to pick up three daffodils and tie a ribbon around it. He put it on the table tray that he prepared, and he walked upstairs to her. 

   Fin put the tray over the bed and he gently crawled closer to her and kissed her cheek and ear. He reached her tummy and shove his face to her neck. 

"Good morning, my darling." 

"Hmm." She turned to him and smiled. She stretched her arms and wrapped it around him. 

"Happy Valentine's. How about you get up there because I am sure that our baby is hungry?"