Mondragon Heirs Part 1

 James sipped on his wine, glancing around to people wearing tuxedos. He wants his wife to be with him but it's a bachelor's party and they order women from the outside to dance to them. No girlfriend allowed. Although he insisted to Natalie to go with her since he's not his girlfriend but wife, she told him to enjoy it. They are always together even at work and she thought that they both needed space. 

"Why aren't you enjoying it?" Stanley asked and stood beside him. 

"I don't enjoy this at all." 

 Women in seductive French outfits walked around and served them well. Stanley glanced at them and then sighed in a very depressing way. James glanced at him and then looked around to search for the man with the same annoying face. 

"Stop it. He's not here." Stanley muttered. 

"Is it why you are depressed?" 

"No. I am depressed because my twin brother is sad. Freya just left him. I like the woman, dangerous yet annoying in a few ways."