Mondragon Heirs Part 2

 Freya arrived at Madagascar. She's been overthinking for hours and having a lot of visions about Madagascar and Fin. She's worried as hell. She then checked in a cheap hotel and stayed in bed for hours with her eyes closed. 

 She got startled from her dream that woke her up and the first thing she heard was her phone ringing. She frowned and stared at Steven's international number. How did he even get her number? She didn't answer but then the ring stopped and then he called again. She sighed and answered it. 

"Freya." His voice is deep and sexy. She just found it sexy and just calling her name send shivers through her spine. "Come back." 

"I—I need to do something." She muttered. 

"Why do you have to leave like that? Why didn't you say a word to me? Maybe telling me that 'Babe, I need to go out for an adventure? Wanna come?' Those words are very simple. How can it be so hard for you to say it?"