Bound to Live Part 2

 Zachary flipped the papers and then he nodded. He gave them his drafts and the team started working on how to make it. He will focus on his creation until it's done. He's not used to letting all his employees plan for it. He created and planned and he let them build it. 

"I will give you a week for a new update." He stood and took his phone and left the Research Team Conference Room. 

 He sighed and proceeded to his office then once he sat down, he took out his beeper and sent a message to his wife. After a few moments, he smiled when he received a short and thoughtful message. He requested a tea and then he continued working. 

 A knock on the door stopped him from encoding and then he looked up. James entered and stood in front of him. He pulled his eyeglasses and put them down. 

"I am already processing it all." 

"I need more of it." He said softly and quickly. 

"I will do it," Zach told him. James paced back and forth.