Bigger News Part 1

                Yves sipped on his glass of wine as he thought about the secret treasure that Mondragon hid for a century. He thought that it's just a legend or something but when he read his great grandfather's journal, his heart race thinking of the treasure.

                Sure, that he had lots of money but it's not enough for him. He wanted to be more. He wanted to be powerful that no one, not even Alanis or Mondragon could beat him. There's something more that Mondragon hid in that place where they called the Dragon Paradise. He's obsessed now. He will have it.

"What's the status of Andromeda?" He asked to his secretary.

"She's out of the country. We don't have specific location but her last location is in Hawaii."

"I am sure that she has no idea with this treasure. We've been searching it for long. I am growing impatient. You need to find it within this week, if not—all of you will stay here until you decay." He said it loud and clear.