Bigger News Part 2

 Andromeda watches Yves's men as they become chaotic, her eyes are fierce and burning in anger. It's not just that, they are ruining nature. She stared at them and glanced at Fin. They need to at least restore the jungle after they leave and get rid of these people. 

"You know that Yves is hardheaded." Fin said and glanced at her. 

"Let's at least do something about this. Maybe step by step will do." Andy told and watched Yves leave quickly. "Yeah, maybe without Yves around, everything might be better. Let's keep him busy out of the country and maybe restore it a bit. Plants in the jungle grow faster than we thought, and we should remove their markings." She muttered with a sigh. "Maybe change them might lead them to something more." She thought deeper. 

"We will wait until Yves leaves the jungle. I am sure that he won't last long." 

"Yes. We will do that." Fin agreed.