Big Brother Part 1

         Fin kissed Selina's forehead and lips then he knelt one knee to kiss her stomach. He inserted the pendant inside his shirt, and he touched the gun at his right hips. He stepped back and then turned back from her. He climbed up the ladder from the chopper waiting for him.

         It's now or never. He must protect another Phoenix. It takes at least twenty minutes to get there. Another chopper was already airing, and he saw Freya jumped from a few meters and then Armies of Dragon surrounded the area.

         Steven is still in the chopper and he used sniper and shot three times a few meters away from the house.

         Fin jumped quickly and roll over the grass. He ran after Freya to rescue her back and on his earpiece, Steven connected.

"I got your back, babe… also, your brother in law." Steven said.