Big Brother Part 2

         Agatha already packed up her things when her father arrived and tell them to take her things and to escort her to the chopper. She restrained from them and faced her father.

"I am not going home!" She shouted at him.

"Don't be so hardheaded now. You nearly die."

"Correction. My bodyguard nearly died. He secured me before anything else happened."

"Let's go home," Eric said calmly and then he glanced at Zachary. "Thank you, Zach."

         Zach nodded and sipped on the juice.

"Zach," Agatha called her. "Please. I don't want to go home. I will just stay with Dmitri."

"No!" He shouted at her. "You aren't going to stay somewhere but to our house."

"Fuck! For Pete's sake! I am old enough to live alone." She argued.

"Take her!" He demanded. They didn't have a choice but to drag her.

         Dmitri come out from his room and watched her getting dragged. She tried to restrain, and she looked at him.