Pattinson Residence Part 2

       Agatha wasn't smiling at all. Sarah is putting light make up to her. She kept glancing her phone and Dmitri isn't texting her. The last text she received from him is three red hearts and then nothing after that. Sarah noticed her anxiety and then she put down the brush.

"I can help you escape," Sarah said and she looked up at her baby sister. "I don't like the man." Their mother just left the room, so she didn't hear what Sarah said. Agatha tightened her lips and she took her little sister's hand.

"Someone will come for me and save me. I will be with him no matter. Even if the world is against us."

     Sarah felt relieved but still, she doesn't know how to help.

"You shouldn't worry. He's not an ordinary man."

"I heard that Dad is marrying you off because of some empire who wanted you," Sarah said.

"What empire?"

"I don't know." Sarah shook her head. "He gets nuts when he received a letter from them."