Start of Courtship Part 1

         Rafael moved closer to check on them. He's sure that they are from the Dragon Empire, but they aren't wearing any Dragon empire pins. Instead, they are wearing Phoenix pins. He sipped some air and looked at his father.

"Dad, it's Phoenix," Rafael muttered to him. His eyes widen and tell them to open the gate. The guards did open the gate. He looked at Eric who get paled and then he told him that it's Phoenix, not Eagle.

         He sighed in relief as the ten men in a suit holding boxes move closer to them. One stepped forward, he's holding a black box and on top of it is a printed Phoenix. One assist him to open it and gave her the letter. She took it and pull out the card.

Lady Agatha,

My beloved. I hope that you'll love my gifts. I'm still missing you.



         She bit her lip and smiled at it.