No Counterattack Part 2

         Freya stayed for a night with Steven without having sex. Just a few more days and she has to leave the country and leave him. She already bought plane tickets to Manhattan. She exhaled. This is too soon but she needed to make a move secretly. They must be more advanced than Eagle.

         She slipped off from bed, leaving him. It's still early and she wanted to make breakfast for him. She wasn't a good cook like him, but she knows how to make real food. She prepared cooked rice, sunny side up egg, bacon, and ham with the addition of brewed coffee.

"Good morning, beautiful!" He greeted with a big smile. "You cooked breakfast?" He pulled his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"Yeah, I am starving, and you are still sleeping, so I make breakfast." She said just an excuse. The truth is, she wanted to make breakfast for him. She's crazy to do it to say goodbye.