I Love You, Goodbye Part 1

         Loud multiple gunshots started firing a bulletproof ford ranger. The woman inside rushed to the backseat and pull the pillows and cover it to her stomach. She clutched her gun to her chest pointing the roof of the car. Her heart is beating fast. They are too many and if she comes out, she'll be dead.

         She touched her stomach and bit her lips.

"Whatever happens, baby, you have to hang on. I can't lose you. Daddy can't lose us both." She whispered as she held her stomach.

         Freya gasped and hold to Steven tightly. He reached the tissue and wiped her sweats.

"I'm here." He whispered. He kissed her forehead. She sat up and hold her head. Her heart is palpitating, and she's deafened with the sound of gunshots. He took a glass of water and gave it to her. She sipped on the water and looked up at him. "What is it?" He asked.

"I don't know who it is…" She murmured. "I'm fine now."