Kinky Past Part 1

         Andromeda always visits Ellen's restaurant where she always stayed to prepare food for Andel. What she didn't expect is Adrian to be there sipping some coffee and having his late breakfast. She scoffed and shook her head as she approached Ellen on the counter busy with scribbling.

         Ellen looked up at her with a big smile.

"Hi." She greeted cheerfully. Andromeda glanced at Adrian who is probably watching Ellen. Then she smiled at Ellen.

"Is that guy in a black suit somehow bothering you?"

         Ellen is a little puzzled and looked at the guy.

"He's a customer."

"Yeah," Andy said. "I can see that. But that guy is crazy." She whispered covering her mouth and she winked. "Just so you know."

"Oh-kay." She nodded. Andy gave her card to the cashier.