Kinky Past Part 1

         Andel massaged his nape and check the time. Time for lunch and Gabriel is having lunch with his wife outside. He stood and received a message from his baby girl. He tidies his things and took his phone and wallet as he left the building. It's nice to be out of the office again.

         He went to the restaurant, disguised as Oliver Gomez and he strode to the counter where Ellen is waiting. She smiled at him and she led him to her office. She redecorated and her office is located upstairs. He held her hand as they stepped up to the stairs.

         She giggled when they reached her office. He followed her and she locked the door. She threw her arms around his nape and attack him with a kiss.

"Baby girl." He said sexily as he steadied her.

"Big bear." She pouted at him. "You always got a headache whenever you get home and I wanted to make love to you."