Normal Date Part 1

         Ellen opens her heavy eyelids and then she frowned at the little light coming from the curtains. She adjusts a little down and then snuggled to his side, under his arm, and rubbed his abdominal. She smiled when she realized that they are going to oversleep together, and she had a great time last night. Maybe they had slept after midnight.

"Hmm." She caressed his abdominal down to his shaft and just hold it.

         It started getting hard, but she doesn't care. She wanted to sleep more. Andel held her hand at from his shaft and moved it, leading her hand to stroke his.

"Baby girl, you have no idea what you just did."

         She opened her eyes and looked up at him innocently. He reached the lubricant from the corner and he pulled her hand away from his hard-on and he put an amount around it. She lay her back on the mattress to get ready.