History Repeats? Part 2

 He didn't want to stay in Hawaii for long. He convinced her to go back to the country and she hesitates for a while. He promised her that he's going to stay for a week with her and let his brothers take care of the company. She's easy to convince.

 So, while they are flying back to their country, Zachary kept close on the update from the assassin companies that he hired to search for Allona. He knew well the woman. They probably saw her and realize that they are going to have a wedding again and she planned to kill Andy this time. But he won't ever let anyone killed his wife. He ready everything before they reached Hawaii. She had a bulletproof trench coat and bodyguards. The only thing that they couldn't find is a bulletproof car.

 When they arrived home, Dmitri is outside waiting for them. Zachary is very private with his wife and he questioned Andy when Dmitri is there. Dmitri is serious and they greet him.