X-Mission Part 1

 Moira checked Zachary's email with photos of the bitch Allona on it. She smirked and glanced at her fiancé who is busy making money. Zachary seemed to be mad about searching Allona. Maybe taking a few of Alanis's men would be great.

"Al-babe! Let me have a few of your best men on searching for a person."

"Go ahead." He said and she looked up at Mr. Wales who nodded.

 She excitedly followed Mr. Wales to the other house where the assassins and bodyguards are staying. Once that they entered the room, they all stood up, and then she strode to the table and smiled at them.

"Okay. I am searching for a woman named Allona McKnight. Mr. Wales will send you the details and the photos of the woman. The first person who finds her will have a 10 million pounds reward plus a month vacation."

 They looked at each other competitively. Moira clapped her hand and pressed it together.