Another Set of Babies Part 1

 James held Natasha's hand tightly as she pushed further to the first baby to come out. She's sweating and she's losing strength. James hated seeing the suffering of his wife. He kissed her hand.

"Wife, you can do this." He cheered her. She nodded and pushed further. The doctor pulled out the first baby and it's a boy. Natasha breathed and looked at James.

"Just, one more time, my love." He smiled at her and kissed her nose. She nodded and after a few minutes, a baby girl came out.

 Natasha smiled as she listens to the cries of her babies. A tear falls from her eyes as she looked at her babies and after they clean it up, she held one of them, and James held the other one. They give the babies back and James kissed her as he followed the babies outside.

 Their bodyguards followed them to the nursery while the others are waiting outside the delivery room to protect Natasha.