Another Set of Babies Part 2

 Adrian looked at Allona. She's made perfectly and soon enough after her face had recovered, she will be going through a lot of practice on how to be Andromeda. But since Andromeda is doted by her husband, it will be easier for Allona on how to be her around Zachary.

 She doesn't need to be Andromeda who has the most authority in the Dragon Empire. Allona can't be her completely. Andromeda is just great. She survived a lot of wars and then she could kill a man without blinking. It will take a lot of time before Allona became one-fourth of her.

"You should study how she made love to her husband."

"I know well how he wanted it." She said as she checked the dresses. "I saw them had sex many times before. Andromeda is a slut and I am sluttier than her."

 Adrian smirked. She knew it well. It will be easier than he expected.
