Rangers in the Night Part 1

        After they changed rooms, Andromeda let Moira sleep while she's monitoring the CCTV Cameras that Moira hacked. She made sure that the charger is plugged, and the air conditioner is cool enough so the computer wouldn't overheat.

        Fin knocked on their door and she opened it for him.

"We need to talk," Fin muttered.

        Andy gestured on the sofa then he sat beside her.

"Are you certain about your plans?" Fin asked. "As of now, Yves is in rage and Adrian Lebedov is—in Russia talking to his father at this moment and he will kill you." He whispered.

"I know." She said and looked at Moira. "If he will kill me, protect Moira. She's the next in the throne."

"Don't throw your life like that." Fin hissed at her. "You have a daughter and a husband waiting for you. We both have a family…"

        Andy's heart clenches just thinking of her little angel waiting for her and Zachary who would die for her. She closed her eyes hard.