Rangers in the Night Part 2

        The loud rumbling of thunder breaks the silence between Freya and Andromeda. Freya exhaled and Andy reached her cold hands.

"Please promise me. Don't kill Moira."

"If she would kill Fin that I should kill her."

"That is what the Eagle Empire wanted. They wanted us to kill each other until they already had us in our neck."

        Freya exhaled and nodded.

"Promise me that. Do not kill, Moira whatever she did."

"I want you to take away your heirs and Steven…"

"How about Zendaya?" She asked. She smiled tightly.

"I had my cousin backing me. I will let her shape my Zendaya when I am gone."

"We can still fix this." Freya pleaded.

"It's too late." She muttered. "It will keep going and going… Take rest for now."
