Luxury Holidays Part 2

        Owen put the paper bags for the kids and the newborn baby.

"Thank you, Owen."

"I haven't got to see my niece and nephews," Owen said with a grin. "Aria checked out the new items that I bought for you."

        Aria checked it and her eyes widen.

"This is the latest tablet."


"Wow," Her eyes are shinning. "Thank you so much, Uncle."

"I wouldn't even forget my nieces."

"What's mine?" Carter asked. He gave me a big blue paper bag. He pulled out the box and her eyes widen.

"Just as I promise. Robot toys."

"Yehay!" Carter clapped his hands.

        Owen excuse himself and visit Andel upstairs to his office. Lots of computers around and there are controls. The room is also dark and has a strong AC.

"I found somethings." He told and put it the zip plastic over the table. "I found this on the bushes of roses."