Findings Part 1

        After Andel had run some forensic on the gadgets, he found out something that would be unbelievable. It's midnight when he called Dmitri. Dmitri answered shortly and he sounds like panting.

"Hey, are you busy? Am I not interrupting any session?"

"Uh, is it important."


"Okay," Dmitri said and then there's a little rustling sound. "I'm listening."

"This is a high-class empire. I run on a few fingerprints and it belongs to a man named Jacob Ike. He's one of the best hackers in the world and he worked at Lebedov, the Eagle Empire."

        Dmitri is silent for a moment.

"Lebedov, Eagle Empire?"

"Yes. I have the recording that he probably dropped. They are targeting your family. They need to wash out the Phoenix Empire first and next is the Dragon Empire. I—I don't know why but it seemed like the Eagle Empire is rising even though Adrian, Grisha, and Ivana are dead."

"It might be their far relative," Dmitri said.