Paris Gala Part 1

 Zendaya entered the room and Demi skipped classes and when she heard moaning in her room, she knew that it's going on. Then, Demi giggled after Christian said something funny. She sighed and knocked at them.

"Hey, you need to keep it down, okay?"

"Okay," Demi answered and then Zendy took a glass bottle of juice from the fridge and went to her room. She slumped on the bed and thought about Paris again. Damn it. Her dad just told her that she needed to be with him and her mother in Paris to attend the gala.

 She closed her eyes feeling depressed. She doesn't want to go to Paris and meet that guy again. But what can she do? She needed to learn such things before her Dad would turn it over to Luke since Luke wanted to take over businesses in Paris.